Thursday, December 3, 2015

14 Dead in San Bernardino

And so they were Muslims.  Every time I read of some crime in the papers, I hope the perpetrator isn't Jewish.  When I see some bad behavior on the road by a motorcyclist, I cringe. Humans habitually make generalizations and form prejudices that get applied to me and I know there are millions of Muslim Americans feeling sick to their stomachs this morning.

There is fear of reprisal as our Republican leaders in waiting talk about rounding them up, tagging them, watching them, spying on them -- and we are probably doing some of that already.  One Republican leader talks of killing terrorist's families  while his followers nod together in agreement like turbaned viziers in some Arabian night.  One can almost hear the bedrock cracking, the foundations of civil liberty splitting apart under the mortar fracking rhetoric.

Those fourteen dead are not the only victims.  Our silly and arrogant claim to be the "leader of the free world" is shot full of holes too and for good reason.  I got emails yesterday challenging me to prove that Obama isn't a Muslim and listing damning bits of evidence such as not visiting France after their latest terrorist attack.  I'm sure that in his mind the president is smiling over this incident while plotting more of the same.  I should mention he's a retired Air Force Intelligence officer. People believe this garbage with the same unquestioning faith they have in their sacred books and imaginary gods.

Strange to say, amidst the predictable litany of calls for unidentified gun control the only concrete idea I hear this morning comes from our duly elected president.  What about making gun and explosives purchases by those on no-fly lists illegal?  Indeed, why not?  Neither Obama nor the mayor of San Bernardino thinks it will stop the war now going on but it might help and it will be no inconvenience to gun owners like me.  It won't likely happen though because of the fear of the NRA in Congress.  Sure, round them up, make them wear scarlet letters or yellow stars or pointed caps, but let them buy guns because any gun law is a blow to freedom.  It won't happen because Obama is a Muslim and because Democrats are gun grabbers.

When next I travel abroad, I may speak only German.  As I said people make generalizations. . .

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