Thursday, June 30, 2016

Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be

"I'm self-funding my own campaign."
— Donald Trump on Monday, February 1st, 2016 in a campaign rally in Iowa

I would promise to strangle the next person who told me Trump is the most trustworthy of candidates because "he financed his own campaign" but really, at my age I lack the stamina.  So many necks (red and otherwise) and so little time.

Besides the shaky argument that he'd be honest by being beholden to no contributor, it's not entirely true since not only does he have donors, but much of that self-funding consists of loans by him to his campaign. Whether or not he intends to use donations to repay himself is unclear either from his record or his promises.   But of course he's hardly refraining from asking for money and apparently in mockery of his accusations of dishonesty against his opponent, he's mocking the law too by soliciting donations from officials of foreign governments on their official e-mail accounts.  Investigation?  Sure maybe 75 years from now when they're done with investigating Clinton for treason while ignoring a Republican Secretary of State for doing the same thing.

Has any candidate done more for ratings than Dishonest Donald? We'll probably hear little about this scandal. (Yeah, yeah, Bloomberg is the Liberal press.) Don't look for even the most "Liberal" of the Liberal press to inconvenience that goose in the laying of it's golden eggs.


  1. Facts? Who needs stinking facts when you have someone whose orange skin and golden cotton candy hair shines down on you while he tells you all the lies you want to hear? Your life isn't really going to get better and America won't be great again, whatever that means. America will be exactly what it is, a country growing and changing. His claims and promises get increasingly more bizarre and fantastical and I think he does it because even he is amazed how much crap he can make people believe.

  2. I picture America as a vast, disorganized orchestra with competing conductors. Look at the crescendo when an ex-president says hello to an Attorney General and look at how the orchestra ignores the sour notes of financial improprieties of the man who calls the other candidate dishonest? Trump is a cheap crook and as Sam Spade once said" the cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter" Listen to the applause he gets.

    Frauds and scams and cons and they trust him. 8 investigations, 7 million dollars and there is nothing to prosecute her for and yet, let's try it again? They admit there's nothing but dirty politics behind it, but it's all they know how to do: Whitewater, Swift boat, Monica and Benghazi. Wave the baton and the horn section begins to blare!


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