Thursday, June 2, 2016

Stupid is as Stupid Does.

Many scholarly articles suggest  a link between the easily disgusted and the chronic Republican voter. Reading that Donald finds windmills disgusting makes me wonder just how extreme this man is, as windmills are not typical gag reaction triggers for the party which abhors Humanism, homosexuality, pornography and most things with a sexual component.  The Laissez Faire Conservative attitude extends only to the regulation of business and finance, not to how one might dress or with whom one forms romantic relationships or in what mythology one chooses to suspend disbelief. Windmills. I hesitate to hear his ideas about hydroelectric power or photoelectric panels, much less the satellites that collect global temperature data.

Indeed I have had about enough of all his ideas about race and gender and medicine and climatology: about his conspiracy theories and immigration fantasies. There's no drought in California, the planet is freezing! Rapist, Mexican drug mules are streaming North across the border and a president can, by fiat, make a major religion illegal and put a faith test on immigration laws.  11 million people in boxcars. It's certainly worth the 600 billion dollar cost to protect our dollars and daughters from people who have lived and worked here for decades and even lifetimes -- even the children raised here who know no Spanish. You know, the ones who pay taxes yet can't collect Social Security.  Good think he's got a good relationship with "the Blacks."  I might have worried otherwise.

Is all this cognitive chaos scarier than the fact that facts have no bearing on his opinions or the opinions of the millions of Denialists that clog the national arteries?  Faith over fact, prejudice over principle: the equations of idiots and the answer is always Trump.

Compulsory cynicism and mean mockery aside, this is a man of no morals or ethics or conscience. It's not as though he is unique in this, but that our United States is unique among Western Industrialized and allegedly enlightened nation in having more than ten people who disagree with that. One thinks of Sodom or Gomorrah and weeps.


  1. stupid is as stupid does
    says, the wise man Forrest Gump
    now stupid is as stupid does
    and his name is Donald Trump

    a continuous fount of drivel
    expounded with dubious hair
    it all adds up to nothing
    The Trump's just fly blown air

    there is no drought in Cali
    let us disband the EPA
    Trump doesn't believe in nothin
    except greatness USA

    we're all in for a comeuppance
    and I think we know it's true
    when the HUUUUge man named Donald
    turns this Country into Trump U!!!!

  2. I'm not so sure any more that we can write it up to plain stupidity or ignorance. I'm more worried that he does this all because he's a master of persuasion who will stop at nothing to win. God only knows what hes real agenda is.

  3. Well, reality programs are frequently populated by stupid people and, as per Donald Trump's campaign convention manager Paul Manafort, the "Republican National Convention [will be] the ultimate reality show". I think that IF Donald Trump does end up in the White House come 2017 we can say that stupid won.


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