Saturday, July 16, 2016

Lyin' Like a Fox

Lyin' Bill O'Reilly may have to share his liar's title with Lyin' Wayne, the former Fox News "Terrorism expert"  may have been a perfect fit for the Fox Crew of liars and frauds, failed Republican candidates and propagandists for hire, but he got caught. He fraudulently claimed to have been a Special Operations Officer for the CIA when at the time he actually was working as was a nightclub doorman, mortgage broker, manager of a rent-by-the-hour hot tub business, bookie, and defensive back for the National Football League’s New Orleans Saints.  He'll have 33 months to think about it.

“Wayne Simmons is a fraud. Simmons has no military or intelligence background, or any skills relevant to the positions he attained through his fraud,” said Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III also tacked on three years of supervised release following his sentence. Judge Ellis also required that he surrender two firearms, pay $176,000 in criminal proceeds, and pay restitution. He joins a lost of Fox Friends who couldn't get a job as a school janitor.  But even though Neill Cavuto apologized for allowing Lyin' Wayne on his show,  Fox Folk, like Trumpsters won't notice or care as long as they continue to supply them with the outrage they need to make their miserable and nasty lives seem justified.


  1. Today, another shooting incident in Baton Rouge; three dead cops, many injured.

    Frankly, this latest incident is payback for years of negligence, years of legislative deadlock and gridlock, ignoring systematic problems far too long, and a demagogue who has become a presidential candidate appealing to bigotry and hatred.

    Unrequited anger and resentment over years of unsolved problems lead to violence and spreads cancer-like throughout our culture. This is payback for years of partisan obstruction, decadence and nihilism. I blame this on Fox, rightwing talk radio, the news media, and especially the GOP. Democracy is supposed to be a contest, not an act of insurrection and conquest.

    1. I suspect the media plays a bigger role in destabilizing us all, but I have to remember Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley telling us on TV after the 1968 police riots: "The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder." That says a lot.

      Interesting that so much of the right wing rhetoric equates owning powerful weapons with patriotism and as a tool to stand up to tyranny. Tyranny being described as government and civil rights for all. It's pretty much the same as it was in the 1850's and the conflict of those days has never been resolved at all and they're doing everything they can to reduce black people to as near a state of helplessness as possible using high sounding programs like "free trade" and blocking farm loans and closing hospitals and schools. We notice the cops, we don't notice what we're not supposed to notice.

  2. Hannity makes Lyin' Bill seem like a poker. IMO.

  3. True, Lyin' Bill has a lot of competition these days and Sean "Insanity" Hannity is a hard man to beat.

  4. It appears Roger Ailes may be gone very soon:

    Jabba the Hutt undone by Gretchen Carlson.

  5. Gone from his job isn't good enough, being an enemy of everything I hold dear. I'd better not go into what I think ought to happen to him.

    Justice delayed my be justice denied, but I still have to be happy about it.


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