Monday, July 4, 2016


The myth of Sodom and its destruction is a lesson about there being no forgiveness for the mistreatment of strangers and visitors.  For centuries, preachers and other liars have pretended it was about sex, but it's not and it remains a lesson for our time.

I continue to be disgusted and offended and embarrassed and angry about the response of the locals to the recent Orlando terrorist attack. Hearing  the vicious calumnies leveled at Muslims and a nearby Islamic cultural center, serving American Muslims, I have a hard time separating these subhuman but self-righteous bastards from the people who blow up and shoot up churches and synagogues and clinics:  people who give good people good reason to hate the self-styled Christians and patriots who claim this used to be a great country when they had their way. It's never been a great country because it's always been driven by bigots, slavers, genocidal monsters and murderers of the innocent.

I may check the headlines in the local papers, but the editorial pages, both in print and on-line could have been published in any right wing German newspaper in 1936. It's all hate, and all the time. Last Wednesday's paper included a political cartoon labeling Muslims as murderers and bigots as though these good and gentle Christian soldiers didn't stink of the Beast.

All these bozos seem to be scholars of the Quir'an and are quite convinced that it's all about justifying lies that serve jihad and justify slaughter.  Of course that's true to exactly the same extent that the Greek nonsense tacked on to the Hebrew bible justifies hatred, intolerance and the actions of the Reverend Jim Jones, David "Koresh" and Timothy McVeigh.  Listen to them tell you those weren't "real" Christians but Osama bin Laden was the prototype for all Muslims! Does it even rise to the level of hypocrisy?  Is it just inconsistent to go after, to insult and threaten the guy who turned the shooter in to the FBI because he's a Muslim -- or is it just insanity?

It looks like the local law enforcement doesn't want to provide extra patrols and I read with disgust one motorcyclist advocating driving around and around the mosque revving his engine to annoy and intimidate.  How can it not remind anyone who remembers those days of  Mississippi and Alabama in the 1950's? Does anyone think anyone will be prosecuted for terroristic threats against Muslims?

It's more than hate, it's cowardice, it's fear and panic. It's ignorance and it's everything that makes us the ugliest and meanest of peoples.  I can't separate it from our religious and military boasting, another product of cowardice and ignorance.

It would be tempting to blame it on Southern provincialism and Southern rage and Southern custom, but you know, almost everyone here on Florida's Treasure Coast is from somewhere else: New England, New York, New Jersey.  It's an American thing, it's a Trump thing, it's a stupid, ugly and evil thing and I'm to the point where, despite my loathing of religion in general, I'm about to bind it on my arm, nail it to my doorpost, wear it on my forehead as frontlets between my eyes: لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله  you miserable bastards. Get the fuck out of my country.


  1. Nothing to add, I agree, this is an American thing, not just a Southern thing.

  2. It is an American thing, no worse than the "things" other countries and cultures have done throughout history. Or, maybe I'm just dumb.

    I'm not suggesting that because other nations have done similar nasty things exonerates or makes our own countries nastiness less offensive or unacceptable. I'm just trying to put it into perspective for myself.

    I feel enraged as well at the abject stupidity and bigotry so many Americans either seem to embrace, or, if they don't they just look the other way and pretend it doesn't really exist. But the truth is there are more Americans that are disgusted by what you describe than those who support or engage in its practice.

    I remain hopeful Captain that our nation's better souls will prevail. Although I admit it is becoming more difficult with each passing month.

  3. I wish I had more time … time to engage in these discussion threads. I spend what little time I have left writing columns in our local newspaper where I hope to reach a broader public. My Fourth of July weekend project was a letter to the editors of subject newspaper taking them to task. This letter will antagonize the newspaper, but it also force them to reconsider their approach to stories such as these. Yes, I am forcing their hand. The letter with commentary is posted above this article.

  4. My father is going through his last days and I don't have as much time to waste as I used to, but perhaps he's being spared having to see the country he fought for going through what it seems likely to go through.

    T.E. Lawrence: So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are. Goes double for us

  5. Our generation failed to uphold the letter and spirit of the sacrifices they made on our behalf. I wish you and your father well. For my part, I am trying to do right by them.

    I remember this quote from the movie all too well. I used it in a post called "Aux Etats Sunni." Next time, I'll close on this thought: It contributed to negative stereotypes that dog us to this day.


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