Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Back in the USSA

Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the West behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
That Georgia's always on my mind

-The Beatles-

OK, let me get this right: Russia is in league with Iran against ISIS and Iran is letting Russia use their air bases.  Trump wants to abandon NATO to Russian aggression and to  assist Russian aggression  in the Middle East. Russia is in favor of supporting Al Assad against the Rebels we've been trying to support. That would make us not only an ally of Russia, but of Iran and of Bashar Hafez al-Assad, the bloody tyrant.  Yep, the man sure can make deals! As he said, he knows more about it than the Generals.

That would make us an enemy of NATO, whom Trump wants to abandon and put us in violation of our long standing treaties, which are, as I should remind the Trumptsters, the law. Yep, break the law, abandon Europe to the Russians, and get in bed with Iran and Syria.  Should we mention that Trump wants more nukes in the hands of Middle Eastern countries?  And why not? Anything to make America great again and defeat Crooked Hillary who want's like Obama, to "trash the constitution"

So we have a "conservative" candidate that wan't to be allies with Russia and has asked for (and received) help from Russia in trashing his opponents.  A man whose campaign manager is under investigation by the Ukrainian anti-corruption commission for accepting money from Russia and who has been a registered agent for Russia in the US as confirmed by a former US Ambassador to Russia ---- and Americans want to vote for him!

I guess the Red scare is over and America would be great if only we became part of a new recrudescence of the Soviet Union, an empirial Plutocracy run by a dictator and a mob of multi-bilionaire mobsters who ship their Rubles abroad to be laundered by Donald J. Trump. This can't be the planet I was born on or the country I was born in. Maybe we should just call it Soviet Dumfukistan and be honest about it.


  1. You will NOT like this:

    Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/?icid=navbar_huffpo_main5

    But you might like this:
    More Than 100 Republicans Urge RNC To Drop Donald Trump

    Damn, how I HATE this fucking election.

  2. 1) Ayup and 2) Damn straight!

    As we await Trumplestiltskin's major speech tonight.

  3. 1) Ayup and 2) Damn straight!

    As we await Trumplestiltskin's major speech tonight.

  4. An extremely boring and fact challenged address. So far...

  5. An extremely boring and fact challenged address. So far...

  6. Why is everything double posting? Google Glitch?

  7. Why is everything double posting? Google Glitch?

  8. Yup, sounds more like "Sieg Heil" with each passing minute. I need a barf bag.

  9. Voter preferences are probably decided in utero and facts don't matter. Trump could arrive wearing a Mao suit with a Nazi armband and it wouldn't matter. They'll just say "Liberal Press" three times and it will go away. No facts or figures and certainly no logical proof will dissuade them from their mission. Nothing outside the cult is visible.

  10. There is an online edition of our local newspaper where the following exchange took place (I thought you might find this interesting):

    ANTHONY IOVINE - Today at 12:40 PM
    "Your last sentence is absolutely ludicrous. What you said was that "EVERYONE" who supports a lunatic as Trump has no moral backbone. Isn't that the same as saying that everyone who supports that "PATHOLOGICAL LIAR" Hillary has no moral backbone also."

(O)CT(O)PUS - Today at 1:23 PM

Mr. Iovine,
    An interesting point you raise. So I surfed the Internet to check the facts - the percentage of true versus false statements made by Trump and Clinton respectively - and this is what I found (as reported by PolitiFact.com):

    True statements — Clinton 16, Trump 4
    Mostly true statements — Clinton 48, Trump 10

    False statements — Clinton 15, Trump 65
    Pants on fire statements - Clinton 1, Trump 30

    Here are the overall rating as provided by PolitiFact.com:
    Donald Trump — False 60.13 of the time, True 2.53% of the time
    Hillary Clinton — False 13.33 of the time, True 13.33 of the time

    So it appears Donald Trump is the “pathological liar” as well as the lunatic. Thus, on both measures, Donald Trump has no moral backbone."

    (Whether this lets air out of the buffoon's balloon is another)

  11. The more committed we are to a certain opinion, the less likely we are to relinquish it, even if confronted with massive contradictory evidence. You can't expect anyone like that to change his mind ( such as it is) I'm sure there's a trade name for the practice of reversing things you've been accused of, boosting them a bit and launching them in the other direction - like dodge ball. It's obvious to a disinterested observer that Fox is biased so after some DO mentions that Fox seems like a wholly owned subsidiary of the GOP, I began to hear that MSNBC was just that, which is ridiculous and not supported by fact. That's just how these trembling little minds work and that's just how tyrants and demagogues enlist their support -- so Poland invaded Germany and Hillary lies.

    The best you can get by challenging them is incoherent mockery, recitation of formulae and the worst is incoherent rage and violence.

    Trump is his best enemy. Sooner or later he will alienate enough of his supporters to lose big and I prefer to let him do it. It's easier for them to silently slink away than to submit to reason in public and feel like a loser.


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