Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pissing on our graves

I wish I were a cartoonist.  I have this cartoon in my head and can't get rid of it:  look here at a huge Donald Trump in Arlington National Cemetery, pissing on a soldier's grave.  Maybe one of those graves with a star of David on it or a crescent and star or the

American Atheist Atom or the Buddhist flower. There are some there I don't even recognize, nearly 50 marks of various beliefs.  Lots of people have fought and died for this country, a country whose people are now flirting with sneering, cynical hatred and calling it "greatness." A country that flirts with electing a president who mocks grieving mothers and insults grieving fathers who accuse him of being heartless for wanting to ban his dead son's religion from our nation.

Over the line, his defenders say. Suggesting Trump believes what he says is over the line and besides there's crooked Hillary who after

surviving decades of relentless and fruitless investigation still gets accused of everything up to and including murder. Is there anything to be proud of, anything to value about America that Trump hasn't wiped his ass with?

A man who keeps Hitler's speeches next to his bed, whose ideas about crime and immigration are 30 years behind the facts and who gloats that we're too damned stupid to know?  Collapsible corporations that scam people out of their fortunes, bankruptcies that leave creditors begging, Trump products all made offshore. Suppliers who go unpaid simply because he can get away with it?  No, it doesn't matter than no fact checking organization substantiates Trump's statements, or that the FBI can glibly be dismissed as a Hillary Stooge, or that investigation after investigation fails -- foil-hat Americans don't care about such things and they'll crucify anyone who tries to tell the truth.

International "humiliation after humiliation" Trump claims without being able to cite one. Border crossings are increasing he says, but they're not. Crime is up but it's not and Obama invaded and annexed the Crimea. International treaties have the force of law, but Trump says he'll ignore them.   A man dies for his country? so fuck him.  he's just a damned Muslim and damn his mother too.

So you're going to vote for him, you think he'll make America great again? Donald Trump is our shame, Let's not make him our crime.  Can't vote for Hillary because you can't see through the lies?  Fine, vote for Gary Johnson, Vote for Bozo the clown, but don't vote for the end of  our greatness. Don't piss on the flag, while you're making kids pledge allegiance to it.


  1. I have voted high
    and voted drunk
    but I would never
    vote for Donald Trump!

  2. Well said Captain.

    I've become convinced Trump is the greatest threat to our stability and our republic by far. Meanwhile the Unbalanced FOX network is solidly in his corner spreading disinformation and Trumpian bloviations.

  3. You are absolutely right. It is the height of crude and offensive behavior. Today he "accepts" a purple heart from one of his foolish dupes who had earned it himself. Considering that Captain Humayun Khan received both the Bronze Medal of Honor and the Purple Heart posthumously, and again in the light of his ridiculous statements about sacrificing for his country, this is an absurdity of poor taste and obscenity.

    I guess the only thing left is blasphemy.

  4. What I get from looking at all those graves with all those little symbols which may or may not have been important to those dead soldiers, is that one overwhelmingly obvious conclusion -- they were all Americans. No one knows the names of those in the Tomb of the Unknowns: their thoughts and beliefs, their parents, their ethnic origins. It doesn't matter. They were all Americans.

    God bless America, God Damn Donald Trump.

  5. In various commentary on Donald Trump, the terms ‘narcissist’ and ‘sociopath’ have been used interchangeably. These are not the same. Sociopath is an antiquated term for ‘anti-social personality disorder.’

    In the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, there are a cluster of disorders known as Personality Disorders. All have overlapping features of varying degrees and each are distinguished by a specific set of criteria (i.e. dominant themes):

    Narcissism — grandiosity and an inordinate focus on the self
    Anti-social — complete lack of conscience/remorse for others
    Borderline — unstable moods triggered by any slight, aka ‘splitting’
    Paranoid — extreme and unrealistic suspicion
    Histrionic — shallow and superficial melodrama
    … as examples.

    You can see from the above that Trump has overlapping features, hence the term ‘Cluster B’ to denote a full spectrum of Personality Disorders. A differential diagnosis is made by trained and licensed practitioners and not the province of laypersons, journalists, or the public.

    All besides the point, let us just say that Trump is an extremely disturbed personality. On a scale of zero to ten, let’s give him an eleven or more.

  6. Oh, he's a cluster of some sort. It's becoming hard even for the "fair and balanced" journalists to talk about him with straight faces when he talks about the "vicious attacks" by elderly women which of course are only comments on his comments and policies and actions. His terminology used against critics are unrestrained maledictions and in his business career, you can expect to be steamrollered with lawsuits if you look at him crosseyed. Everything is rigged against him and everyone not on his knees is an enemy. Paranoid histrionics?

    Disturbed indeed, but therein lies my only hope, that being poked and prodded and asked embarrassing questions, he will simply blow a fuse on camera and break his Svengali hold on Americans. Prosecuting him on the rape and pederasty charges and various frauds and scams will take far too long, but these ever escalating outbursts have important Republican apologists running for their lives and even into the dreaded Clinton camp. Meg Whitman went over to the Dems today and such things rate high up on the Richter scale. Even Crazy Ann Coulter for heaven's sake! Will today's "why not use nuclear weapons?" shake loose more adherents?

    I can't wait for the debates and more opportunities for those examples you give to be demonstrated and I hope there's a gadfly to prompt both candidates to answer questions without the customary evasions. This is what Trumplestiltskin fears most: public humiliation and I just can't wait.

  7. And talking about ratings, Don't forget the personality scale developed by Sigmund Freud's colleague, Manfred von Arschloch. Donny is at the top of the Arschloch scale without a doubt.

  8. a Trump suppository asked me why I was afraid of Donald, why I would not talk about him (I have given up talking about politics in bars)..."if I step around dog shit on the sidewalk does not mean I am afraid of dogshit" then I told the guy I do not talk with dogshit either and left the pub.

  9. I think that's a variation of the "I must be right because you're angry" gambit. Page 23 of the Troll handbook, I think.


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