Saturday, August 13, 2016

We're ba-a-ack...

It's been about 8 months since I posted anything here, and with the election coming, it's damned well time I got back into it. I discovered Twitter a while back, and I'm fairly active there, but some thoughts deserve more consideration than 140 characters. So let's do this.

I can't promise anything on a regular basis, but let's see what happens.


  1. Welcome ba-a-ack! Nothing changed here; maybe a little quieter than usual. Same old lazy cephalopod, as always.

  2. Good to see you Bill. I also hope to occasionally throw in my two cents as soon as I get by the first two weeks of Sept. I miss not hanging out more regularly here but life got in the way. Time to get back on the beach, clean a few shells, add my voice.


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