Friday, September 16, 2016

These are those Interesting Times

I think it's OK for me to call these interesting times. It may be that hackers with no intent to do so may allow historians to write a more accurate history of the 8 years of George Bush, that period that seems to have changed  the world for the worse is so many ways, taking the US from a thriving economy of surplus to nearly bankrupt, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands at least, destroying countries, societies, cities and thousands of years of history. Reading the emails from Powel's private server is like opening doors and windows and file cabinets that have been locked for decades. How would we know that Rudy Guiliani actually admits that Obama is a decent man or that Powell thinks the Benghazi thing is a stupid "witch hunt" and she's not to blame? Of course deplorable Trumpsters won't read that, but we will and historians will.

Amongst the national noisemakers, the editors, disguisers, redactors and inventors of history, there may be consternation in reading the letters of Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice that excoriate Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and Paul  Wolfowitz -- names we're not hearing much about any more. In fact we're not hearing much about W any more either, now that the zombiemakers in the media and the GOP have hidden them behind a wall of denial that Donald can only feel jealous of.  It's all about pathological Hillaryhate as it once was all about pathological Clintonhate. All the bad things of the GWB administration have become Hillary things, Obama things.

Anyway, it's nice to hear those in the know - and Rice and Powell certainly in the know call HRC qualified, with a long "track record" and a respected friend, even if the General is a bit miffed at the attempt to compare his private email server to her email server and Rice's private email server.

I don't imagine he will come out and endorse her, but if there are historians left after the Trumpocalypse, to write about what happened after the GOP destroyed America, becaus perhaps two thousand years from now people will have some idea that the howling, smoking, radioactive remains of America once was and who destroyed it.


  1. Factoid: Hillary committed no indiscretion. Yet, she has been vilified in public for misdeeds she did not commit. In other words, the very essence of projection and victim blame — both propaganda techniques and a grave injustice. It is also an example of double standards within our culture starting with sexism.

    The fact that Hillary chose to salvage her marriage is a personal and private choice and none of our business. Some may even argue that forgiveness is a credit in her favor. However, the same cannot be said for Messrs. Gingrich, Giuliani, McCain, former Governor Sanford of South Carolina, and Donald Trump — all notorious adulterers who have pilloried Hillary. Short form: Men get off scot-free for their misdeeds and hypocrisy.

  2. There are men who have lost it all because of a woman's misdeeds but we won't go there.:-)

    But first comes the hate and then the reasons for it. That's something I learned in kindergarten and I still don't doubt.

  3. Everyday on average, I delete approximately 20 emails ... mostly spam. Multiplying these deletions by 365 days over the past 5 years, the total comes to 36,500 emails. Do you think the FBI should open an investigation? BTW, how many emails did Karl Rove trash?

  4. I have 275 emails this morning. That's after my filters got through them. I'll delete most of them. But I'm glad you asked that question, as politicians like to say:


    Sarah Palin turned over 24,000 from her private server.

    Andrew Cuomo implemented a policy of automatically deleting emails of rank-and-file state workers that are more than three months old, resulting in the loss of thousands of pages of official communications.

    Mitt Romney and some of his top aides used private email accounts to conduct state business when Romney was governor of Massachusetts,

    Scott Walker called Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server "an outrage," but he, too, was caught running a secret email network for his inner circle of advisers when he was Milwaukee County executive. Hundreds of thousands of emails were involved.

    Marco Rubio used a private email srver and deleted emails

    And of course the Bush administration used private servers. Karl Rove alone is responsible for the deletion of 4 years worth of correspondence. 22 Million emails were involved in the Bush White house scandal.


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