Sunday, September 18, 2016


His name is on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t bring myself to mention it. I refer to a certain presidential candidate who is so ‘deplorable’ and unethical, his name should be unspeakable.

Shameless bully, braggart, egotist, and liar, this man is deeply disturbed beyond measure. ‘Human black hole’ [Tony Schwartz], ‘human leech’ [Harry Reid] and ‘flaming eye of Sauron’ [Kathleen Parker] are some of my favorite appellations.

Anthropologist Jane Goodall describes him as a male chimpanzee engaged in stereotypic dominance behaviors — “stamping, slapping the ground, dragging branches, throwing rocks.” In other words, a man more animal than human.

The best way to experience this 'unmentionable' is to watch him on TV with the sound turned off.  Which is precisely my point.  Why should we listen to him!  And why utter his name!

His bizarre antics have dominated mainstream media for years, and h
is signature bombast has won him far more notoriety than he deserves.  Why play this game?  Hereafter, I will no longer refer to the candidate by name but only by epithet. Without a name, the man is nothing.


  1. With or without a name the "man" is nothing.

    I see where he is attacking Gates, pulling horse shit from his ass and feeding it to his faithful warriors of the brush. No doubt they'll swallow it and the media will give him a pass.

    Sauron ineed...

  2. Unmentionable name. Should we do as pious Jews and just call him Ha Shem: "the name" or use a euphemism like Satan?

    The government shall be upon his shoulder And his name shall be called Horrible, Deplorable, almighty toad, the everlasting foul smell, the Prince of Sleaze.

    His name, the sign upon the bumper and the tower, and on the brothel and place of gambling. The name, Ha Shem: this incommunicable name, I say, henceforth an object of contempt and curses, shall be a hissing among men. For his name is stupidity and cowardice; his name is hypocrisy and falsehood; his name is tyranny and misery; his name is evil.

  3. I just call him asshole. Simple and to the point.


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