Sunday, October 16, 2016

Donald Trump is a Fascist

"The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry."

-Donald Trump-

I hear these speeches, cheered on by sign-carrying and furious Trump Troopers and it all sounds familiar. Not just in content but in tone and although that tone has everything in common with the rants of dictators and revolutionary heroes longing to become dictators, the content suggests an ancestry shared with the NSDP or as we're used to calling them, the Nazis.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has been around a long time, has been thoroughly and resoundingly debunked by many different students of our human history of evil, but of course it survives, postulating a shadowy international cabal that controls the banks and financial institutions for malicious purposes: the Jewish enemies of freedom and prosperity.  Sound familiar?  My copy was published by a "Christian Nationalist organization in California and it's widely printed in the Arab countries and taught as true.  Sounds like Trump,
doesn't it, but it sounds like the deranged and obstinate beliefs of hard core Trumpists now that his candidacy has all but been destroyed by his speeches and actions. His use of that 1000 year old meme about Jew in the banking system and how it cheats noble countries like Germany and the USA out of their fortunes. Somehow, though, perhaps as an adjunct to the evil Jewish cabal, Hillary Clinton runs that show.

Then there was the American Fascist,  Father Coughlin, still revered in some Christian and anti-Semitic circles, with his radio rants stinking of the Protocols: the same sort of blame games found in Hitler's speeches. He had to be silenced by the Roosevelt Administration for his open support of Hitler. He lived until 1979 and although he was no longer on the air that I know of, one still finds web sites supporting him. Yes, he sounds like Trump too.

"Safe for dictatorship?" whines Coughlin "Or safe, safe for the international bankers?"

Listeners were left with no doubt that in this speech advising us to leave Hitler alone in sein Kampf against the world wide control of the Zionist elders, Back Hitler or you let in the Jews. He was talking about Jews: hooked-nosed, swarthy, hand-wringing, usurious, Christ Killing Jews, the ones who secretly control the world along with Hillary Clinton, the Illuminati and the Ancient Aliens.  

Jews were the illegal aliens of Europe, although they had been there for thousands of years. They were aliens and had to be deported as Ezra Pound said on the radio in 1942 while living in Fascist Italy: 

"You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire." 

 He sounds like Trump too because they are both Fascists and the sound of Fascism, the sound of Trumpism, is the sound of hate. The enemy is hiding among us and we have to keep them behind walls.We have to put them in boxcars and send them to remote places for "special handling"

I realize that Trumpers don't give a damn about these things. Not the least little bit, but Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League are trying to be heard with not much success.  

But to remain quiet is to repeat the mistakes of those here and abroad who kept quiet in the 1930's until at least 20 million people died.  Donald, who openly brags that his intelligence comes from his Aryan genes. Donald whose staff have launched anti-Semitic tirades of name calling against Jewish critics, and his son, Donald Junior, has been criticized for making a gas chamber joke as a warning to critics.

Safe indeed. Is America safe for free people with Donald Trump and his beer-hall rabble and all their guns?


  1. Trump is decompensating more and more each day. Not that I take any pleasure in this, but there is a palpably satisfying comeuppance in watching this deflating buffoon balloon blubber and sail across a room.

  2. Why bother butting heads with meatheads on FB, or in the comment forum of the local tabloid. A waste of time, my friends tell me. Perhaps. But I see it differently.

    It's the only way to chip away the monoliths of mendacity. One by one, bit by bit, until the sham edifice begins to crack and crumble.

    Besides, I get a vicarious thrill in the exchange. Picking apart their cheap shots and dopey tropes just for fun. Sorta like pulling the wings off flies; one less carrion insect before they breed into billions and spread more contagion.

    Yup, a veritable armchair Walter Mitty in this culture war against fools and Brownshirts. Best of all, it keeps me from acting out my fantasies.

  3. Exept that I've become an insomniac and have sleepless nights composing retorts and ripostes and that my blood pressure is up, why not?

    And besides Trumpism is a religion and not capable of being falsified by facts or lack of them, which is a Karl Popper way of saying you can't argue with an asshole.

  4. And by the way, those books are mine. Good reading if you have some need for a stroke.

  5. I imagine that a mind such as that of Herr Trump compartmentalizes hatred rather conveniently. Mexicans and NAFTA can be blamed for disappearing manufacturing concerns. Blacks can be blamed for spiraling prison costs and crime. Plenty of room for overlap obviously from his statements on immigration. A true hero to those who would objectify women. If it is the media that are rigging the election against him, it is not too much of a stretch to put the blame on the Jews. I'm not convinced that banking is controlled by Jews. But the point I am trying to get across is that he is an equal opportunity hater. There is enough to go around. Apparently he is enough of a Caucasian and Aryan purist as to disdain girls with freckles even if their hair is a lovely strawberry blonde.

    Friend Dave Dubya pointed out that Ivana had accused Trump of keeping Hitler's book of speeches by his bed in the 1980s, My New Order, a compilation of his speeches from 1919 to 1939. It does seem to make sense with the Heil Hitler salutes at his rallies. Fortunately there are some key elements missing at these rallies. Thank the Goddess that he never came up with a cool emblem like the Swastika or even the Hammer and Sickle. And where are the twenty-foot long banners? Where is the military flourish? The snare drums? Happily quite overlooked I'm sure.

    Here is why it all fizzled into a foamy sludge stuck in the bathroom floor drain. Trump doesn't really have a great deal of charisma or fire. He hits all the bases. He knows what the Mexican haters wish to hear. The BLM haters need. The Hillary haters. He's right there with the red meat. And audiences eat it up hungrily. But there is not a lot there to bring anyone new into the circus tent. His delivery is every bit as glib as another republican chump born with a silver spoon, Mitt Romney. He has a rough, loud mouth. But he doesn't really shout with any conviction like Hitler did. Even Mussolini had legions of admirers. Trump mumbles and stumbles through meaningless superlatives and such tired expressions as, "Let me tell you." He is more like a prostitute who strokes his or her customer gently to orgasm. It is astounding that he has come as far as he has. This speaks volumes of his followers. They will surely glom on to their next saviour who throws bones at them in a similar way. Maybe that person will have a little bit more personality and we will all be in trouble.

  6. I'm remembering him looming and lurching and glowering his way through the last debate. Mr. Personality indeed. He's nothing like a leader for sure and maybe that's a good thing indeed.


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