Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Numbers Don't Lie

Watching Bloomberg TV this morning as I do on weekdays, I heard mentioned that we're in the 92nd consecutive month of the current bull market. But what do they know? Uncle Donald says it's a disaaaaaster.

That's consistent with the TV ad I saw a few days ago talking about the current bear market and maybe with all those ads of a few weeks back urging me to buy gold at more than $100 an ounce higher than it is today.

Of course unemployment is a disaaaaaaster too, hovering around 4.9 to 5 percent although Trump has assured us it's really over 30% and anything you read to the contrary is a lie, but like oil and gasoline and coal prices the numbers are set, not by the free market, but by Hillary Clinton just as John McCain assured us they were set by Barack Obama when he was a candidate. Laws of supply and demand? Market forces? What? When Trump becomes Führ - I mean President, that will change, let me tell you!


  1. Nothing freaks me out more than women who support this p***k.

  2. Only a the conservatives are shocked by Democratic administrations outperforming Republican ones. They
    shriek regulation and taxes, while the stocks rise. Almost feel sorry for the Paul Ryan type thinkers.

  3. It's really rather remarkable how the things they scream about most have so little correlation with the real world. I remember the 92% top tax bracket, for instance.


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