Thursday, December 1, 2016

And Into the Dark

I have passed with a nod of the head 
Or polite meaningless words,  
Or have lingered awhile and said 
Polite meaningless words, 
And thought before I had done 
Of a mocking tale or a gibe 
To please a companion 
Around the fire at the club, 
Being certain that they and I 
But lived where motley is worn: 
All changed, changed utterly: 
A terrible beauty is born.

-W.B. Yeats-  1916

And here, a hundred years later, around a table at the Club and no uprising, no shots fired, looking at the fools in mufti thinking nothing has changed while everything has: changed utterly.
Fools mocking, me saying little, if not to please, to avoid argument, some meaningless words that don't answer the lies, don't ask the question.

Do we buy Raytheon?
Do we buy Caterpillar?
We could make a killing.

Who will die without medicine?
Who will thrive without education?
Who will work for nothing?
Who will rot in private jails that pay dividends?

When the water runs black
And the air full of dust
And the crops whither
And the birds die
Will we miss Yellowstone?
Trump in gold letters on El Capitain.
Will we still call it beautiful?
Will we throw off the yoke?

All changed
All changed utterly.


  1. Great poem, Captain Fogg! Dark and grim times we're in.

  2. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." And perhaps the con man extraordinaire with the orange hair.


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