Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Manchurian Candidate

Just in case you imagined for half a moment that Trump wasn't really under Vladimir Putin's powerful sway, or perhaps that Trump is not really quite as incurious, uninformed and just plain stupid as he sounds when he attempts to do presidential...

This happens.  Well, after all, why would Putin lie to his buddy, Donnie-baby?  "He said that I'm a genius!"  "I pressed him three times about meddling in the election.  He denied it vehemently every time.  You already know my position."

Putin and I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking & many other negative things will be guarded. [sic]

Just wow.  Much stranger than fiction.

Damn straight!  2016 is going to be the last time ever that Crooked Hillary and Obama collude with the California Registrar of Voters to allow three million undocumented brown people to corrupt what should have been a fair and honest count of the votes.  Go Putin!  BFF!  #MAGA!

It's probably not his fault.  He may actually have been hypnotized when he thought he was just having a good time with the pretty blond hookers in Moscow.  Post-hypnotic suggestion.  Brainwashing.  Apparently it is still practiced.  And apparently, it still works.


  1. I seem to be having issues with hypertext on the Swash Zone that didn't cause problems on the venerable Dog Report. Be that as it may, just click on the post and you will see the link.

  2. Unless, of course, you have already clicked on said post...

  3. Link worked for me. Of course Trump will finally admit there was Russian hacking as soon as the Republicans lose the next election. He'll blame it on the russians and nullify the results while suspending elections pending an investigation that will last forever. This is how it all ends.


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