Showing posts with label "The Donald" (Drumpf). Show all posts
Showing posts with label "The Donald" (Drumpf). Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

When The Alternative Is Far Worse...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

The above excerpt from today's Boston Globe is spot on. While Trump (Drumpf), as odious as he is for a majority of Americans, Cruz is equally as odious and indeed far more dangerous to American civil liberties. The GOP field, with the exception of perhaps Kasich who doesn't stand a chance, is one of, if not the worst in modern GOP history. In fact, and it pains me to say this, the GOP is currently the best argument for voting democratic this year.
With his archaic views, ill-informed grasp of civil rights, and noxious ambition, Cruz shouldn’t be allowed any closer to the Oval Office than a White House tour. This is a man whose crowning achievement has been the 2013 government shutdown, which he engineered to force President Obama and the Democrat-led Senate to gut the Affordable Care Act. Of course, Obamacare remained intact, and what most people remember about their government being held hostage is Cruz reading “Green Eggs and Ham” during a 21-hour speech.

It was, as Josh Holmes, a former aide to Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell told The Washington Post, “like a toddler’s version of legislating.”

And as every toddler knows, if you act up long enough, you’ll get your way. In the case of Cruz, then a freshmen senator and a Tea Party darling, it was about juicing his national profile in preparation for the presidential run he is now inflicting on us. No wonder his fellow Republicans, blamed for the shutdown, are loath to support a man willing to torch his party and country in order to further his own career.
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