Showing posts with label Bob Corker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bob Corker. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Who's paying for this?

This morning, I noticed that, in at least one Senate committee, it is possible to get bipartisan consensus. And considering the recent history of our Congresscritters, that is something that nobody, especially not the president, should ignore.
Leaders of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said they reached an agreement on Tuesday on a draft authorization for the use of military force in Syria that was much narrower than the request made by President Barack Obama, paving the way for a vote by the committee on Wednesday.

Among other provisions, the draft, which was obtained by Reuters, sets a 60-day limit on U.S. military action in Syria, with a possibility of a single 30-day extension subject to conditions.
And that's good - no boots on the ground, limited engagement. If we have to do something (and I'm not convinced we do), that's a good start. But, you know, I think there's more that could be done there.

Now, this agreement was set up by Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Bob Corker (R-TN). And the thing about Corker, aside from him being a rank-and-file GOP drone, is that he wants to be a budget hawk. For example, he was one of the Senators who voted against disaster relief following Hurricane Sandy (and we'll ignore the fact that he frequently requests disaster relief for his own people).

So, I went to his web page, armed with the address of a couple of people with my last name in Morristown, TN (yeah, I'm impersonating a Tennessee native, but at least I'm using my own name, right?).
Senator Corker,

I will admit that I don't agree with you on a lot, but I like the agreement you reached with Sen Menendez, for no American troop involvement, and for no involvement longer than 60 days. Thank you for that.

But I don't think you went quite far enough. I think that any military intervention needs to be funded, so it doesn't add to the budget deficit. This can be through money already promised to the military budget for 2013, or special "war taxes," or possibly even from monetary donations from organizations and private citizens.

(I really like the idea of a free-market solution to funding military strikes, but I'm not sure it will go over well with some people.)

In an age where crippling budget deficits are being passed on to our children, and the fiscal cliff is looming over us again, how can we, in good conscience, add to it?
No, I don't think it'll do any good. But this is the type of logic he's used before - maybe it will strike a chord in that tiny little brain of his.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


These are the good old boys who refused to bailout the American auto industry. They deserve a prominent place in every U.S. Post Office from coast to coast. Their anti-union, anti-labor views are so perverse, they donโ€™t mind taking down the entire U.S. economy. They would rather support foreign car assemblers in their home states than save our iconic industries ... and an estimated 3.5 million jobs. Criminals! Traitors!  Here is Octo's list of public enemies:

Saxby Chambliss (R) Georgia

Richard Shelby (R) Alabama

Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky

Jim DeMint (R) South Carolina

Bob Corker (R) Tennessee

Although camouflage is a natural endowment, it is easier for an octopus to take out one's aggressions in Photoshop, morph these enemies of the people with liquify tools, and show their true faces. Now, if only there were a Voodoo button ...