Two pledge scams have been in the news lately: The so-called Family Pledge (covered by Nameless Cynic in this post,
The American Taliban) and Grover Norquist’s so-called No Tax Pledge. Although seemingly unrelated, these pledges share at least one trait in common: To bully public officials and hold them hostage. More to the point, pledge scams are a form of
ambush politics designed to preclude any reasonable debate on any subject by coercing compliance without forethought as to implications, impacts, or alternative solutions.
The No-Tax Pledge represents a case in point. As a Damocles sword wielded by nihilists over the heads of GOP chumps, it is the singular cause of gridlock in the current debt default debate. Here is what a debt default will mean:
- A downgrade in the credit worthiness of the nation;
- Interest rate increases on home mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards;
- Worldwide turmoil in bond and equity markets;
- Steep losses in the value of homes and retirement accounts;
- Interruptions in Medicare, Social Security and VA disbursements;
- And a crippling double-dip recession.
In other words, it is not just GOP stooges who are being held hostage; it is the American economy and
We, The People … all on account of an anti-tax lunatic fringe wielding
The Pledge to play brinksmanship at our expense. When these GOP stooges took their oaths of office, they also pledged to uphold the U.S. Constitution, which requires them among other things to honor the nation's debts. Does this mean Grover Norquist holds more authority than the U.S. Constitution? In allowing themselves to be suckered, the GOP have turned themselves into fools as well as hypocrites. And they have no one else to blame but themselves!
It reminds me of a nursery rhyme I once read to my kids …