Showing posts with label Pat Robertson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pat Robertson. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The eye of the needle

Perhaps I suffer from a lack of imagination, because I simply can't imagine a fitting fate for Pat Robertson. It could be, of course, that there isn't one.  Pat, you'll recall, unless you share the short term memory defect such people like to call Conservative Politics has a habit of supporting criminal dictators and other monsters in Africa .  One thing I can't imagine either is the prospect of  this "Christian" entering anything resembling heaven any more than I can imagine the rock of Gibralter being extruded through the unlubricated eye of a sewing needle -- even a very big one -- and I'm not talking about his wealth, which some have estimated to be close to a billion dollars.

It's where he got that wealth that matters and although much of it comes from preying on elderly widows and other people who can't afford it, the lion's share, or should I say the jackal's share comes from dirty dealings in gold and blood diamonds financed by those contributions from sad old ladies who think the bastard is going to help them by intervening with God and curing their ailments.  That money of course has gone to purchase airliners to assist his mining enterprises with Mobuto Sese Seko and Charles Taylor and God knows what other cannibalistic demons, to extract blood diamonds and gold with slave labor and spend it on increasing his wealth and power, in the name of the almighty dollar, amen.  Of course some has gone to politicians who have seen to it that he's so far avoided the cage in Guantanamo with his name on it and the red hot poker up his ass that features regularly in my speculations about justice and Pat Robertson.  The IRS gives the extreme right a hard time?  Really? By allowing him to pay his debt with contributions to his own charity that uses it to steal even more?  What obscenity can I use to express my contempt here?  You tell me.

But I digress. This piece of shit, who of course has his own TV network, regularly uses it to damn his critics, to disparage the unfortunate and instill a sense of hatred in his followers in Jesus' name amen. His current mission is to run a " full-scale exposé" on some unnamed web entity: a “nasty group” that's all about “embarrassing conservatives.”  Once again my imagination fails to construct any hypothetical means to embarrass such unrepentant evil; the kind of  'nastiness' that can chide women for complaining about unfaithful spouses because it's their own fault.  Why even bother to mention the slavery, genocide, rape, mutilation, wholesale theft, deception and suffering that give him his tax-free income along with a microphone with which to complain that it isn't enough and that someone dares to complain.

Only in America.  Only in a country saturated in blind faith, trained from infancy to swoon with love and respect for any fork-tailed fraud can such a thing occur. I can't possibly list his crimes here, there's no scale big enough to weigh his sins and apparently there's no way to control the way he sponges millions from shacks and trailer parks and retirement homes to buy race horses and bribe politicians and undermine truth and goodness and decency.

But whose fault is it really?  The country that supports his crimes with donations, that gives him special tax status, that whimpers and cringes at his threats, that turns on his detractors like rabid vermin, that insults any noble notion of divinity that might still exist?  Who else? where else but the USA, it's brains, its moral conscience, its heart and soul eaten full of holes by false faith and greed
and cowardice -- its very damnation purchased with its greed for personal salvation.

But exposé away Pat.  Sooner or later that glass cathedral will shatter, your stink will stop the noses and empty the stomachs of  the nation and I hope it happens while you're still alive and able to suffer even just a tiny bit for a tiny fraction of what you've done.  Or so I pray.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Cracked Obelisk

" Ladies and gentlemen I don’t want to get weird on this so please take it for what it’s worth. But it seems to me the Washington Monument is a symbol of America’s power, it has been the symbol of our great nation, we look at that monument and say this is one nation under God. Now there’s a crack in it, there’s a crack in it and it’s closed up. Is that a sign from the Lord? Is that something that has significance or is it just result of an earthquake? You judge, but I just want to bring that to your attention. It seems to me symbolic. When Jesus was crucified and when he died the curtain in the Temple was rent from top to bottom and there was a tear and it was extremely symbolic, is this symbolic? You judge."

-Pat Robertson-


Beside the fact that this contemptible idiot is low enough to compare Washington DC to Jerusalem and medieval enough to insinuate that every shake rattle and roll this planet has experienced in the four billion years it's been around indicates the anger of God, besides the fact that this worm thinks his hate is God's hate, he presumes to speak for me and for America in general and that's unforgivable.

No sir, and I use that title in a contemptuous way, I don't think of a nation under God when I look at that monument and I'm certainly old enough to remember when the Knights of Columbus inter alia twisted Eisenhower's arm into bastardizing the children's pledge in 1954. I think of a victorious general and of the first president of the first secular democracy in Western history -- a man who asserted that this is not a nation under Pat Robertson's God or anyone else's.

Like some prehistoric shaman, squinting at goat entrails and attributing every meteor and comet and eclipse to angry but invisible entities for his own detestable profit, Pat Robertson always has a list of grievances to air when any natural process is noticed. Those grievances seem to have little to do with evil even on a gigantic scale, as God never shook his finger at Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot or Tomas de Torquemada for that matter, but only at the failure of our secular government to assume the aspect of God's enforcers in private matters - like love - that this black-hearted abomination can make a career out of raging about.

It's not of course that this tin-horn prophet is alone, nor is it restricted to pseudo-Christian pretenders like Robertson who have decided that tolerance for love's many forms is God's main obsession rather than injustice and oppression and exploitation or even murder. Yahweh, the Hammer of Homosexuals.

It's an insult to God, an insult to America; to freedom, to Democracy, to secularism and religious tolerance and all the other things our country actually is "under." This of course is the Worm who told us that God had no power over plate tectonics when the tsunami hit the eastern Pacific not long ago, but yes, I'll judge and I'll judge you viciously. I can't shake the ground or crack monuments and I'm too furious to crack jokes but because God is always silent and never says the same thing to different people: because divine retribution is indistinguishable from random natural events, I will judge you myself, weigh your words and find you wanting.