Showing posts with label Polity and Morality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polity and Morality. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Remembering Tucson - One Year Later

Tomorrow commemorates the massacre in Tucson, Arizona, where 19 people were shot, six of whom died. One year later, we still remember the tragedy but have long since then forgotten the names of the victims. Without commentary, I feel it is important to remember them as follows:

Honoring the deceased:

Christina-Taylor Green
Dorothy Morris
John Roll
Phyllis Schneck
Dorwan Stoddard
Gabriel Zimmerman

Honoring the injured:

Bill Badger
Ronald Barber
Kenneth Dorushka
James Fuller
Randy Gardner
Gabrielle Giffords
Susan Hileman
George Morris
Mary Reed
Pamela Simon
Mavanell Stoddard
James Tucker
Kenneth Veeder

Here is a reflection from one of the survivors, who is also a cherished member of our extended blogging community. In honoring the victims, I recall this poem by Henry Braun, To One for Whom Poetry and Morality are Inseparable ...