It was the devious-cruising Rachel, that in her retracing search after her missing children, only found another orphan
Call it Outrage on Demand. I wrote a while back about how the
emotions and passions of American public remind me of a marionette made to dance; made to laugh, cry, rage and mourn
as strings are pulled by the various puppeteers, corporate, religious
and political. Some seemed to agree, but I'm not sure that many will
admit to being just another wooden character in the great Punch and Judy
show of America.
I used to blame Republicans for acting like dogs being sicced
on selected targets, inflamed by slanted accounts of various incidents
real or fabricated, to serve the political objectives of off-stage
players. Of late I think it describes us
all: addicted to outrage, unable to advocate a cause without an outrage,
and I'm increasingly alienated by the increasingly transparent
performances of Oz-like string pullers and drum beaters who in turn are
increasingly desperate and increasingly careless.
easy to blame the media for the endless series of outrages they trump
up and package to command our obsessive attention, but we who watch,
we who bark like dogs when told to, and demand that something be done
or undone or punished or set free as the voices behind various curtains
direct -- we who are addicted to following those voices because it makes
us feel important, intelligent, worthy, are really to blame for the
failure of enlightenment, the fracking of progress and the increasing subjugation of the people.
used to be easy for me to identify with the 'Left' when the right was
openly advocating oppression, segregation, free speech and the like. I
became a 'lefty' when you could have your life ruined for being
suspected or falsely accused of private political opinions, when
conservatives could tell you where you could live, who you could marry,
what you could do on Sunday, what you could and couldn't read, when they
could restrict what you could work at, how much you could be paid, what
public and private facilities you could use based on stereotype and
prejudice and religious belief and superstition.
It was
easy to loath the party who supported Nixon, promoted him, lied for him
and maintained ludicrous fictions about his words for decades after he
skulked out of office rather than be removed. It's been easy to feel
disgust at their attempts to unseat Clinton and it's still easy to laugh
at the claims of Communism, the promises that his tax policies would
bankrupt us and his 'spending' was ruinous. The stench of Republican
hypocrisy was never more apparent than when they subsequently supported
the ruinous spending, the reckless deregulation under Bush II. The
abandonment of government responsibility and massive escalation of
peremptory executive power all of which actually
was ruinous.
The Party that has resumed trashing the Executive with unsupported
theory, laughable fictions, vague, substance-free objections is no more
worthy of respect or support than it has been in half a century, but is
that enough to make me a Democrat any more?
Is it enough to
distract me from the troubling observation that the Democrats have also
been the party that supports, perhaps eagerly supports silly regulations
and prohibitions for their own sake, because 'our side' is touting it?
Are we as doctrinaire and unwilling to temper enthusiasm for obeying
idiocies from national speed limits to regulations on how big a paper
cup you can drink from? Have we, and I'm still saying "we" for the
moment, begun to paste together racial incidents from various events so
that we can pretend it's still the 1960's when we had a clear mission?
Are we so obsessed with safety and security that we can justify anything
"as long as one life is saved?" Are we selling fear and ignoring fact,
denying the abject failure of what we have sold as a panacea and
refusing to change things that don't work or make things worse? After
all, we're the party that signed off on that knife in the heart of
liberty obscenity the Patriot Act, the party that seems to support the
idea that unwarranted searches, universal surveillance, random
investigation, hidden cameras, wiretaps and the reading of mail are a
justifiable price for safety. Incarceration without charges, secret
trials and all the trappings of totalitarianism all because "freedom
isn't free."
The misrepresentation of the George Zimmerman case by desperate, old-guard Democrats like Al Sharpton,
with his long record of inventing racial incidents apparently
forgotten, may have been some sort of last straw for me. No I don't
think the shooting was justified, but the case is black and white only
in an ethnic sense.
It has nothing to do with a law
the overturning of which is the real objective. I want nothing to do
with people who don't recognize that, who have no intention of reading
the law or thinking about its implications to this case. I'm tired of
people who steadfastly misrepresent facts and law if they conflict with
doctrine, who see racism everywhere, crazed, machine gun toting
murderers everwhere, like the John Birchers
see Communism and the Christian Right sees the devil. I'm reminded of
those who supported the horror in Vietnam because they missed WWII.
"Murder has now been legalized in half the states,”
Everitt, spokesman for the Washington (D.C.)-based Coalition to Stop Gun
Violence. Of course that's as wild and wooly and dishonest as the
"abortion is murder" shibboleth. Are we no longer the party of
liberation but the party of bans, controls and worse,
the party of the same old fictions, the same old failed solutions, fanatically held? How does it compare to hyperbolic falsehoods we've been getting from the other side all these decades?
Are we as sold on the idea that extremism in defense of virtue is no
vice as Spiro the crook Agnew? Are middle of the road, pragmatic
Democrats anywhere in sight?
The sordid events in Sanford do not mirror the murder of Medgar Evers
or Dr. King or the civil rights workers in 1964 Mississippi. They have
nothing to do with racism on the streets or in the courts. They do not
represent a return to Jim Crow and if Democrats can't seem to live
without an endless supply of convenient but inapposite
outrages; if the Democrats can't find any way to promote progress
toward freedom and justice for all without witch hunts and race baiting,
lies and fabrications and misrepresentations, media circuses and fear
mongering, then I'm an alien to both parties.
It was easy to appear to be on the side of the angels when we had the Commander Guy, the Old Ranger and Tricky Dick
to be compared to, but after two consecutive presidential victories;
after gaining some ground on the devil, it's time to ask ourselves if we
haven't become, or at least come to more closely resemble what we've
been fighting -- or have we been that way all along?