Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Past imperfect

Anna Quindlen writes in the current Newsweek about Loving V. Virginia, the mostly forgotten 1967 Supreme Court opinion that "Marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man" thereby ruling against the Racial Integrety act of 1924. Of course we consider a ban on interracial marriage a bit archaic today, even though the fundamentalists who told us that since God had "separated the races" we shouldn't allow them to mix are still here and telling us what God wants and damn the Constitution and its heretical equal protection clause. It's probably what they mean by "Judicial activism" when they complain about the Supreme Court of the 1960's, but of course our constitution was specifically designed to thwart the impositions of religious institutions; impositions that are still the backbone of Conservative culture.

Does anyone sane still think the purpose of our government is to enforce sectarian rules as interpreted by self appointed mullahs? Apparently so. Karl Rove sets forth in the same issue to tell us that in reconstituting the Republican party, the values traditional to people who traditionally oppose any concept of freedom other than their own freedom to impose rules, should absolutely never be compromised. Can we really separate the "conservative culture" he champions from the long standing tyrannical opposition to things as diverse and numerous as "Misogyny," Women's suffrage, the five day work week, segregation or Social Security? Can Republicans seriously consider themselves to be the "Party of Lincoln" when Lincoln was a Liberal willing to ignore biblical tolerance for slavery?

The Social Conservatism of Karl Rove, whether or not it's a smokescreen hiding the dragon of tyranny, is outmoded and has been abandoned by countries along with fundamentalist religiosity and bigotry toward social minorities. In fact it's obvious that much of the world has begin to recognize the freedom of people to define their own family relationships, make domestic contracts and partnerships as they see fit. So far, despite the Fallwellian demagoguery, nothing bad has happened and isn't likely to happen when we catch up with the Canadians, as eventually we will do.

Republicans should come across ( not necessarily be) as morally serious, says Rove, although Rove has long demonstrated that victory is the root of morality. What escapes him is that the Constitution of this country protects me against other people's moral seriousness when it comes to the rights it guarantees. What escapes him is that his vision of a reconstituted party is a party still attached to the losing side of history.
"We can't just dwell on the past" says Rove without any apparent sense of irony. "The Future is already here."
Indeed it is and I'm hoping that the conservative impulse toward clinging to that past is part of the past and that Karl Rove and the other enemies of liberty and personal responsibility are not part of the future.


  1. A hard hitting, well presented post as usual, Fogg. And listening to what is coming from the conservatives I think you have identified a critical flaw in their stance. They insist on blending religion with their conservatism, insisting that they are somehow interchangeable or so enjoined as not to be separated. A conservative on another site tried to tell me that moral beliefs are firm and unchanging, but when I pointed out that as people grow and learn and evolve, they actually DO change their moral ideas and I used slavery as an example. This example, and I'm sorry to say I'd forgotten about this ruling, is another profound example of how we sometimes must reset our moral compass. It also is a great argument for why we MUST have separation of church and state.

  2. On a similar note, this story in yesterday’s Media Matters:

    On Proposition 8, Newt Gingrich stated: "I think there is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us, is prepared to use violence, to use harassment. I think it is prepared to use the government if it can get control of it. I think that it is a very dangerous threat to anybody who believes in traditional religion."

    A few observations: It seems ALL right-wing lunatics are jumping on this “gay and secular fascism” shill. Thus far: Rove, Gingrich, O-Reilly, and Savage. One would anticipate Hannity, Limbaugh, and others will join the aforementioned if they haven’t already done so. And notice the use of words like “dangerous” and “fascism” to stir the emotions of the ignorati (the hypocrisy being so self-evident, I’m not even going to waste words on it).

    A working hypothesis: Having lost the election by margins larger than their puny minds can grasp, wedge politics are the only arrows left in their bankrupt quiver. So they do what demagogues have always done: Scapegoat and scare.

    More ominously, Gingrich stated that gay rights is not justified because it does not equate with the level of violence that characterized the movement for civil rights. Is this a dare? Is he itching for a showdown?

    Speaking for myself, I’ll meet his dare and raise him one.

  3. I don't agree with your contentions here, but I guess that comes as no surprise, huh? lol

    Actually, I just came to get a respite from my new place. While I may not agree with the conclusions very often here, at least there is some rationale thought....My place is infested by thsoe who have chosen to spend the next four years with their heads up their butts....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Poor Robert! I've been over to your place but I've refrained from leaving any comments since it looks like you have your hands full with the fringe nuts.
    While we don't actually agree on much, I, for one, find you reasonable and intelligent. Unfortunately, I think that makes you a minority in the current GOP. I think if we all met face to face we would really enjoy each others' company - as long as we didn't discuss politics! LOL!
    Come on over anytime - I believe you'll always find a cordial welcome at the (o)ct(o)pus' garden. :)

  6. Robert - I just had a thought on how you might get a handle back on your blog. You might try using the blogger function that allows for you to screen the comments before they are posted.
    1) While I would never suggest that you withhold their publication or edit them in any way, by delaying their posting, you will probably lose many of those who require instant gratfication.
    2) It gives you time to ponder their message and form a coherent answer.
    After a while, the nuts will leave and you can get back to the kind of format you originally envisioned.
    Just a thought...

  7. Thanks Rocky, but I have always allowed comments without moderation. I don't mind the emotion and passion, but good gracious can people not apply some critical thinking once in a while? I have no idea how they come to the conlucsions they ahve come to, when no one has stated anything that they are saying!! it is driving me nuts. From this point on I will just not comment on small minded party hacks.

    Please comment as you wish...

  8. Never fear, Robert, I'll be leaving comments; I don't strike you as the quiet, shy type, do I? LOL! I just wanted to let the dust settle over there! When I opened comments, I had to go back and re-read posts, thinking I missed something because I couldn't follow where some of their conclusions were coming from either!

  9. Ah Gingrich - the patron saint of hypocrisy.

    Yes, sure, striving for equal treatment under the law is Fascism - right. Fighting to be free of other people's religion, other people's rituals and bigotries has no place in America, right, nor struggling for the promises our government makes by its fundamental document?

    And of course there hasn't been enough violence against Gays for the Newt to justify protest - right. It sure isn't Liberals or Atheists dragging them behind pickup trucks or beating hell out of them, is it? It certainly wasn't some epiphany on the part of "social conservatives" that ended slavery, began universal suffrage or finally instituted theright to equal treatment under the law.

    All these arguments, from the fake war on Christmas to the "Gay agenda" are projections and they never mention the Christian agenda when trying to restrict other people's rights, do they? It's always that Blacks, Jews Gays, Mexicans, Atheists, Muslims are making war on them isn't it?

    I don't think there is any reason to be polite or respectful or understanding or cooperative with such people who would arrogate such powers unto themselves and justify it with belief.

    Sometimes Democracy needs to be taken to the streets, sometimes the tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of patriots, sometimes the vanities of the believers need to be consigned to the bonfire.

    When I want moral authority, I will look to someone -- anyone other than Gingrich the adultery persecuting adulterer.

  10. Gingrich the adultery persecuting adulterer

    Lets keep this one handy in case the GinGrinch rears his ugly political head again and decides to make a run.

  11. Correction, I made a mistake in an earlier comment. It was not GinGrinch but Huckabee who declared that gay rights are not civil rights because gays have not had violence inflicted upon them like Blacks have.

    Although my attribution is incorrect, it does not alter or negate what Fogg says, which basically sums up my attitude about theo-cons.

  12. 8pus, thanks for the comments. I appreciate the backstop.

  13. Oh - Huckabee. He's Gingrich with fewer synapses.

  14. Robert, based on how it’s being described, I think you’re encountering on your site the fact that people’s “ideas” are very often masks for their feelings. Abounding logic-lacunae and non sequiturs (the “shouting past one another” effect) would seem to be good evidence of this. Perhaps some of the characters sending out the bad comments have been careening along on the “Saddam Hussein Osama bin Laden”-bashing wagon lo these many months, and now that he has won the election, they have trouble acknowledging that the fellow may be a protein-based life form after all. So ALLCAPS is de rigueur. I’ve seen some of the same venting on the left – just have a look at the stuff lefties say about the man they call “Traitor Joe” on HuffPo, or Hillary Clinton’s impending appointment as S.O.S. Most of it is simple outrage or gloating, but some try to gussy it up with fifty-dollar words and make it sound like sage advice. If you try to tell them that it's actually not a good idea to drive people into the other camp when you can use that vote against prospective filibusters, they jump all over you and shout cock-a-doodle-doo.

  15. An interesting development this weekend. Candace Gingrich posted a letter to her brother, Newt, taking him to task for his recent gay bashing:

    This is just more of the blatant hypocrisy we're used to hearing.

    What really worries me is that you are always willing to use LGBT Americans as political weapons to further your ambitions. That's really so '90s, Newt. In this day and age, it's embarrassing to watch you talk like that. You should be more afraid of the new political climate in America, because, there is no place for you in it.

    In other words, stop being a hater, big bro.

    WOW! Some really bad blood between those two. If I were in her position, I would feel compelled to disavow the bastard too.


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