Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fox 2

The call for CNN to fire Lou Dobbs has been spreading, from SPLC to Media Matters and of course The Swash Zone. Although there have been a few encouraging signs, like a memo from CNN President John Klein to Dobbs' staffers saying that:
"It seems this story is dead- because anyone who still is not convinced doesn't really have a legitimate beef."
Dobbs is still far from being dead and far from being fired.

As Greg Sargent writes in Plum Line, Klein's position is that CNN is off the hook since they've already reported the truth on other programs -- and even on Dobbs' show while he was gone. What he's apparently saying is "we report, you decide." As at Fox News, it appears that the technique is to give you some lies, some distortions and some truth - just enough to make the political point of view seem valid -- and then "let you decide." In short it's just fine to broadcast anything, even if proved false, even if it jeopardises the country and aids it's enemies. They don't feel they have to side with honesty at all. You decide. Enquiring minds want to know.

John Klein pals around with terrorists and Lou Dobbs was born in Guatemala and is not a citizen and both are registered agents for North Korea -- I can't be sure they're not, after all. You decide.

In an interview with Klein, Sargent was told the objection to CNN's repeating scurrilous, unfounded lies with respect was all political.
“I understand that people with a partisan point of view from one extreme or another might get annoyed that certain subjects are aired.”

Truth is an extreme position and truth is partisan and so lies should be equally respected. Maybe it's not enough to fire Dobbs. I'm taking advantage of my television's ability to block channels and as of now CNN is outta here. I also think it's worth writing everyone that advertises there.


  1. Recalling a line from All The President’s Men (spoken by Jason Robards in the role of Ben Bradlee): "We don’t print the truth, we print what people tell us."

    Words from a Hollywood script, not Bradlee's actual words, here is what he did say in a later autobiography:

    "Our most serious mistakes occur when we relay misinformation given us by others -- presidents, spin doctors, or ignoramuses …

    Thus, there is news and Hollywood’s version of news. The president of CNN doesn't get it; the president of MSNBC does: “It’s racist. Just call it for what it is.”

    I agree with you, Captain, about boycoting CNN and their advertisers. Spocko, a friend and sometime visitor here, is legendary in the blogosphere for singlehandedly taking on bid media. Here are a few references about him:

    Daily Kos (includes a sample letter created by Spocko).

    New York Times

    USA Today.

    Spocko’s YouTube Video.

    Spocko’s Brain (his blog).

  2. I admire Spocko's energy and dedication - partly because I have neither. I often spend my Sunday Mornings sending letters to the miscreants, but that's about it. I don't have a lot of hope for the future of democracy in the US: too many fools, too many idiots, too many crazies and the modern communications miracle seems to work to their benefit for the most part.


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