Friday, July 24, 2009

Same old

"marijuana is “dangerous” and “has no medical benefit,”
says our new "Drug Czar." What the hell our Republic is doing with Czars at all mystifies me, but no more than these baseless statements made contrary to evidence. He's not a doctor, he's not a historian, he's not a toxicologist or statistician: he's a cop.

Former Seattle, Washington police chief Gil Kerlikowske seems to me to be the worst of President Obama's appointments and it leads me to wonder whether he put any thought into the matter, or chose him to appease the gigantic, bloated and quasi-fascistic anti drug industry. If it's the latter, then the irony of the observation that it was in large part to keep the gigantic anti-alcohol industry employed that Cannabis was made illegal in 1937 with forged medical testimony and fabricated stories about brain damage published by William Randolph Hearst who hated the hemp growers because they were lowering the price of wood pulp that he was heavily invested in.

Back when it was fashionable to be logical, or at least it wasn't proof of criminal intent and religious heresy, arguments based on first principles could be challenged by petitio principii or "begging the question." Just how does this sneering Barny Fife know there is no medical benefit when Physicians insist there is -- or that it is dangerous when physicians say it isn't? What makes it so dangerous that it is the most restricted substance in America -- more than botulotoxin or Plutonium or nitroglycerin?

We're back in an age of faith however, but at risk of sounding like an infidel, I'd like to ask our Czar here for a shred of peer reviewed evidence and I don't mean the opinions of Cops. I'd like to ask Mr. Obama just what the hell he was thinking about or whom he was bowing to when he decided to put some cop in charge of public morality as well, but the chance of getting any answer is so remote it isn't worth wasting time on --especially in a country where you get a knock on the door if you ask too much.

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