Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reading HR 3200 once again.

Rather than to add on to the long comment stream following Reading HR 3200, I'd like to address the myth of a spontaneous movement behind the disruption of town hall meetings. Rachel Maddow does a good job here of telling you exactly which professional lobbyists are organizing it all using published data. There have been published photographs showing the same faces at these meetings that were at the Republican raid that stopped the Bush V. Gore recount in Miami in 2000 and they are not locals, but professional lobbyists. They were not there to express their opinions but to keep democracy from happening and they are not at the town hall meetings to add to the discussion, but to prevent the discussion and therefore protesting the use of unregistered lobbyists to prevent the democratic process is not an offense against free speech but a defense of it. OK? Can we end this line of discussion?

The argument that the wording of HR3200 is too obscure for the average guy and therefore "alternate" interpretations have a measurable degree of probability is a flimsy version of ad ignorantiam: I don't understand A, therefore B. Anyone should recognize this as a fallacy and recognize that you're not going to fool anyone here with it.

I don't have a lot of trouble reading the bill for what that's worth and I certainly don't have any trouble discerning that a discussion of limiting our of pocket expense for the insured doesn't mean "rationing" and the provision to pay for you doctor's time when discussing living wills isn't a "death panel." I surely don't have any trouble discounting the tirades of someone who insists these lies are true.

The only conclusion one may legitimately make from any difficulty in understanding is that one's opinion is based upon a minimum of information and most likely to reflect prejudice. If you don't understand HR 3200 don't tell me what it means and don't tell me Sarah Palin might have a point because the wording is too complex for you, OK?


  1. I'm glad you did this post so we will have a separate thread regarding the language of the bill.
    While I find it cumbersome to have to keep backtracking to referred sections, I'm sure this is typical of what most bills look like.
    It does take time and effort to read through this and I've heard so much complaining about the 1,000+ pages, but we are talking about the health care of a nation - There are a lot of moving parts to consider.
    And if most people were being honest, their real objection is not to anything in this bill that they admittedly don't understand but to the fact that the bill is a Democrat introduction and more specifically, an Obama backed bill.
    So what if your next door neighbor dies of cancer because they have no insurance and can't afford treatment - it's the principle of the thing!
    Yeah, tell that to the neighbor's spouse and kids...

  2. Hate to go Capt. Fogg inlight of my devotion to kind and gentleness Rocky but, What the hell do these people want? For Chrissakes. We have a trillion dollar plus health care system and these buttheads want it all whittled down to a few pages so even Sarah Palin could undestand it?

    The real truth is the right doesn't care about health care affordablity or availability. They only care about expanding their message to bigots, idiots and homophobes regardless of how many lies they have to make up along the way.

    I appreciate your volunteering to read the bill Rocky. But no matter what you post and no matter how many footnotes you have to back it up, the usual gang of deluded right wing scaremongers and their disciples will still believe any lie Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh says over you.

  3. I just watched some videos on various town hall meetings and I come away with this observation:

    We are now witnessing the Limbaughing of America.

    Darwin help us all.

  4. Well spoken. Such logical arguments need to be blasted into the town halls in front of lights and cameras for America to see.

  5. The general public who are oblivious to HR 3200 need to know what it entails. The actuality of it needs to get out so it can be heard. People need to be informed, and they need to know what is actually going on with this bill. Go to www.buythebill.com to get a free PDF download of the bill, or you can purchase a printed and binded hard copy of the bill.


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