Friday, October 9, 2009

A Simple Comment from a Simple Dino

Weighing in at over 3,000 lbs, I almost always prefer to be temperate in my comments, but today my usual lizard lowings have morphed into a predatory snarl that may be interpreted as follows: those who have been trashing Barack Obama with regard to our unsuccessful 2016 Olympic bid and this surprise awarding of a Nobel Prize are just upset because they cannot fit “America” into their stupid, paranoid, narrow perspective, and now the only option remaining to them is to lash out with juvenile idiocy at any good thing that comes this country’s way.

I myself was surprised to hear about the prize going to an almost newly elected president, but on reflection it should be obvious that the decision amounts to a thank-you note to America for remembering the better angels of its own nature and its great promise, and for rejecting the previous administration’s consistent failure to remember those things. Was it a political gesture? Possibly, but at the same time, it’s an honor that the president can share with all Americans – at least with the ones who are capable of taking pleasure in a gesture of good will accorded to their own president.


  1. You are such a modest Dino, BD. ;)

    I agree wholeheartedly with your second paragraph. Heck, the first one too (save the 3,000 pound bit).

    To cheer you and all Zoners even more so, go to this HuffPo piece illustrating the 8 most ridiculous objections to Obama's Peace Prize. (Hint: It's all the usual suspects, but their frothing rage and inane arguments are melting my heart. Wait... Did I really say that? Am I that callous and petty? Hell, yes I am! :)

  2. Elizabeth, the 3,000 lbs. figure is only when I'm in fighting shape -- a lean, mean khaki-hued chomping machine, one that (unlike that big oaf T-Rex) can see the prey even when it's standing still....

    Anyhow, thanks for the Huffpo link -- it seems the usual suspects have spoken out loud and clear. The only thing more contemptible than their cynicism and fake outrage is the liberal tendency, already making itself evident, to cower and cave at the mere prospect of disapproval on the part of discredited scoundrels. Already I read in the online papers, "Oh dear -- I DO wish he hadn't been given this award! What WILL the leading Republicans say?"

  3. Dear bloggingdino,

    Here is what I wrote on my blog regarding this subject:

    I see this as a prize for all Americans of good will who still hold onto the hope that we can always do better and will always strive to listen to our better angels.

    Think about it. This is an honor for the whole country, and Mr. Obama humbly acknowledged in his speech that he didn't deserve it, but will work diligently for the justice and peace we all yearn for.

    It is interesting for me to note how certain people with like minds think along the same lines.

    No wonder I enjoy being here in the company of the Zoners.

  4. As I said in my blog yesterday, this Nobel Prize is about Obama's embrace of multilateralism. He gave up on European missile defense and pressed for global nuclear disarmament at the UN, with the result that Iran capitulated in nuclear negotiations. He has made greenhouse gases his next big issue after health care reform. Obama "gets" that the world is a globalized singularity in a way that Bush and cronies absolutely DID NOT, and that is why he's won a Nobel Prize.

  5. Simple? Maybe not. As much as the UK news establishment may seem sane in comparison, the Times ran a headline saying Obama was "humiliated" by not getting the Olympics for Chicago. Being from that bleak and hectic city myself, I share the relieved feelings of Chicagoans. It would bring the city to a standstill for a long time, would cost a fortune and would benefit no one.

  6. bloggingdino said,"the only option remaining to them is to lash out with juvenile idiocy at any good thing that comes this country’s way."
    I think this is what is most astounding and disturbing; that grown ups can behave in such childish, destructive behavior and yet think they should be trusted with positions of power and responsibility.
    If my children had acted half as badly as some of these people, I would have swatted them with the wooden spoon and sent them to their room!


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