Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lou Dobbs Translated

In case you haven't heard, Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN. Translation provided below.

TRANSLATION: I made this network, and now it's dead last in the ratings so I'm jumping ship. I've made my pile, don't have to put up with suits telling me I can't go the full George Wallace on camera. Goddamnit, I've been speaking racial code and channeling fringe anti-immigration hysteria since that little shit was in diapers! But now CNN has changed, and maybe America has changed, and I'm just sick of holding back. Maybe I'll be a politician so I can rake in the big bucks and serve my ginormous ego.


  1. To Loud Obbs:

    Don't let the door hit your racist ass on the way out.

    Best wishes,


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I predict Pat Buchanan will be next.

  4. What's the difference between Lou Dobbs and Louie Anderson?

    One's a sad, dysfunctional fat man who does his schtick just so people will love him.

    The other is a brilliant comic.

  5. His planet? You mean he was an illegal alien all along?

    Maybe they should replace him with Louie Anderson. The only place you can get the real news these days is on comedy shows anyway.

  6. Children will be children
    and A-holes will be a-holes.

  7. Lou Dobbs claims he was changed by 9/11 and the corruption in the market as to why this award winning business analyst jumped ship and started going ROGUE on immigration and birth certificates...

    If he was truly a journalist then he could have done his loyal viewers a great service had he stuck to investigating corporate corruption....

    But then you step on a lot of toes and that does not make you popular....

    So, move on to picking on immigrants and lambasting birth certificates...

    From relevance to irrelevance...

    Its called burn out...

  8. Lou Dobbs claims he was changed by 9/11 and the corruption in the market as to why this award winning business analyst jumped ship and started going ROGUE on immigration and birth certificates...

    If he was truly a journalist then he could have done his loyal viewers a great service had he stuck to investigating corporate corruption....

    But then you step on a lot of toes and that does not make you popular....

    So, move on to picking on immigrants and lambasting birth certificates...

    From relevance to irrelevance...

    Its called burn out...


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