Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dreams of Magnum's Ferrari

Sarah Palin famously went through five universities before getting her degree. The diva was on the MRS program, but her sojourn in Hawaii was brief because, her father says, the presence of so many Asians and Pacific Islanders made her...uncomfortable: "They were a minority type thing and it wasn't glamorous, so she came home."

Minority type thing, not glamorous? She's allowed her taste in men, but how did she expect to find a First Dude type amongst all those Hawaiians? Had popular culture convinced her the place was full of good, clean white folks?

I mean, sure, there are minorities in the TV Hawaii of her youth; but they're all second bananas. I think Sarah was dreaming of Magnum's Ferrari.


  1. She obviously made a 'LEFT' turn early in life while out looking for a macho moose hunter type of guy...

    Didn't she end up at the Aryan Nation playground of Idaho?

  2. TAO, Idaho is lily-white cowboy country. Ding ding!!! I think we've formed a hypothesis...

  3. I think she went to Hawaii because she heard the Lord lived there, only to find out it was Jack Lord.

  4. I can't imagine dreaming about some pokey old 308, but little minds have little dreams, I guess.

  5. ...and she was that much farther away from Russia, thus limiting her ability to keep tabs on those pesky Russians...

  6. I am of the opinion that it wasn't Magnum's penis extension Ferrai she was dreaming about.

  7. jadedj, what's your hypothesis, then? The beachfront property, or the mustache?

  8. I'm no JJ, but it had to be the mustache -- who could resist that?

  9. It's time to bury that meme. Sometimes a car is just a car. People giggle at 308's here - pretty low on the automotive totem pole these days. Palin's airplane is worth a whole lot more.

    Besides, high profile cars and yachts don't attract women. Trust me on that one. I've never met one who wanted to hear about my 11 second quarters and most of them really want a guy tattooed like Quequeg and driving a huge dump truck with a huge stereo.

  10. The pineapple, of course! That was my first thought too, JJ.

    And then the irresistible mustache (or was it really a squirrel?)

    Capt. Fogg, you're absolutely right that women* are not attracted to fancy cars and boats. (I actually had no idea you were talking about cars here -- were you? I could not tell a Chevy from a Ferrari, and no, I don't consider this to be a handicap in any way. My male children, however... Well, that's another story.)

    But when you say this:

    most of them really want a guy tattooed like Quequeg and driving a huge dump truck with a huge stereo

    I'm thinking that maybe you have fallen, temporarily, with the wrong crowd? ;)

    *In general, but I'm sure there are admirable exceptions.

  11. It's just an observation of the teenage wasteland being forced upon all of us for fear of not being "hip" -- that being a commercial product these days. The kind of classic cars some people will pay 4 million for seem to be a joke to the skateboard brats with wires hanging out of their ears and meaningless faux-Chinese characters tattooed on their exposed behinds.

    I get so amused by ads that insist women will go nuts for you if you shave real close when men are buying special razors that leave a three day stubble (and achieving equally poor results,) or will fall in love with you for your Japanese truck that is indistinguishable from every other mass produced box with a grinning grill. What a desperately jealous, gullible and shallow gender we males are! No, the only attention you get from a red, high performance sports car is from the police. I guarantee it.

    Wrong crowd? I avoid crowds and most of my friends are in their 60's and 70's and can afford Ferraris but drive a Chevy - like me. If I followed the youngsters, I'd probably get arrested.


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