Thursday, December 3, 2009


According to Politico:
Adm. Michael Mullen told a House committee Wednesday that Gen. David McKiernan, who led U.S. troops in Afghanistan between 2008 and this year, had asked for 20,000 troops for the effort but was rebuffed.

“We didn’t have them because they were pushed to Iraq,” the four-star admiral said during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in response to a question from Indiana Republican Rep. Mike Pence. “That was the priority of the president.”
Rumsfeld, you arrogant bastard, UP YOURS!


  1. This is turning into another epic 11-Dimensional Chess win.

  2. And who was the frowny face slumped in his chair. I watch no press briefings so I don't recognize the "stars" of the MSM's inquisatorial teams.

    Robert Gibbs looks like such an earnest, good natured fellow even as he sticks the knife into your guts.

  3. You know, I've been meaning to get this out for years, but I know exactly who Rumsfeld was paraphrasing when he made that infamous remark. Had the author been around, he would likely have shot Rumsfeld down in flames.

    S.L.A. Marshall, Men Against Fire: "War must always start with imperfect instruments. Equally, these instruments can never be fully perfected in the course of war...Improvisation is the natural course of warfare. The perfect formulas will continue to only be found on charts."

    But Marshall would have been the first to point out that, by the time Rumsfeld made his remark, the War Department had designed practically every major infantry weapon of the Second World War and put it into mass production.

  4. It seems like Rumsfeld was proven to be lying just barely after he finished speaking. Arrogance, or just confidence in the MSM not to make to big a stink over his huge whopper?

    I do agree with the "up yours" sentiment... I'm of the opinion that war criminal Rumsfeld let OBL go at the battle of Tora Bora.


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