Friday, January 1, 2010

The Course Of Human Events

Once again, I have appropriated the music of friends to create a video. The Course Of Human Events is not meant to be a crowd-pleaser, however. If it played on a movie screen, the MPAA would force an R rating on it just for the visuals. This is an indictment of our times, a celebration of progressive values, and a long view on the movement that gave us every good and decent thing that its opponents take for granted. It also seeks to channel anger in the most appropriate direction rather than surrender ground we have gained.

It is the decade of systemic government failure by leaders who disbelieve in the very notion of effective governance. It is the demand for change stymied by relentless self-interest. It is loud, and in fact should not be watched without turning the volume as high as you dare. Some of the images might bring tears to your eyes. Others will infuriate you. But in the end, I hope you will feel the same sense of pride I feel when I call myself a progressive, so do yourself a favor and watch it in full-screen mode.


  1. This is something one has to watch several times to pick up on all the nuances. The money under the table, the sign protesting a black man in the White House asking for change (literally makes me gag), Bush kissing all these other guys. Well, at least it wasn't on another part of the anatomy.

    It really is a strong statement of our times and a knock-out video. Very poignant and gut-wrenching. Artisically, I don't remember seeing anything of this genre quite so good. I particularly like the juxtaposition of the brilliant color with the black and white.

    I hope you'll keep it available for quite awhile - like with a link on the right somewhere.

  2. Forgot to mention the collection of photographs. Amazing.

    The whole thing is fantastic - and reminds me of those good ole days, the 60s.

  3. Leslie, it was my intention to reward repeat viewing. The only problem was that in order to maintain the audio quality of a very loud, angry metal song with beautifully complex electronic orchestration, I had to keep the bitrate a little high.

  4. Matt,
    Leslie steered me this way in her post.
    Thank you, this is really excellent and as both of you wrote viewing several times brings things out.
    Happy New Year.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Capt. Fogg: "Freakin' brilliant!"

    I'll second that. Great job, Matt. Can't wait for the sequel.

  7. The music choice is a bit much on my old ears but the content is, in the words of Fogg, "Brilliant!"


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