Saturday, February 6, 2010


Click on graph to enlarge.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Cited by Talking Points Memo.


  1. Is this also a sales pitch for Viagra? When visuals talk. Let's hope the trend keeps on going up, and not for partisan reasons, but for obvious people-to-people reasons.

  2. Keep putting the facts out there. Maybe the Republicans will catch on, that things are getting better under President Obama.
    Don't hold your breath waiting for them to jump on the wagon of helping the American people. They have already stated they will say no, to the Presidents job bill.
    They blame Obama for the high unemployment, without explaining how their policies over the years were responsible for the unemployment.
    If you did not read my post "Mondale Was Right" check it out. It exposes another myth Republicans keep repeating, that only tax cuts can generate enough income to pay our national debts.

  3. At least he has three more years and hopefully by that time, we will have a more visible recovery for the low information people.

  4. Good catch, Octo. I almost posted this one today, but it got crowded out. I'm happy to see that you did.

  5. that's what I say rocky, thank God Obama has 3 more years for this growth to continue. It has to! I'm looking forward to the spin, do ya think Fox will talk about this? Maybe Beck can use this chart along with all his others!

  6. Obama could get this country to full employment, he could balance the budget, cut taxes, capture every single member of Al Qaeda, bring peace to the middle east, and feed all the hungry in Africa, and guess what...

    20% of the US population would still hate him and still count the days till he is defeated.

    Fox News would still enjoy its ratings as if nothing was accomplished...

    Geez....if reality mattered then Fox News would have been a failure years ago...

  7. I like the looks of that graph.

  8. Very interesting, Octo.

    We desperately need such visuals and facts in people's faces to counteract the Republican doomsaying (and some of our own fears -- speaking for myself only).

    Sue, Beck could trip over this chart and still not use it. It goes against his cherished beliefs.

  9. You know what always amazes me is how many right wing Republicans kept saying how everything was just peachy during the Bush years and when any liberal would point out inconvenient facts like jobs losses or growing debt they said we were hysterical and "wanted America to fail."

    Then as soon as there's a Democrat in the White House all of a sudden they are concerned about job losses and the growing debt and they want Obama to fail.

    Very odd.


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