Monday, February 15, 2010

You have the right to remain silent

Why is it that when Republicans only become creative when they run out of factual support? Lies, distortions, evasions, calumnies, falsehoods, fabrications, disinformation, distortions, propaganda, tall tales and slander; defamation, deceit, prevarications and mendacity: all kinds of colors in the "conservative" crayon box.

One lie I've heard far too much of from the Fox-poisoned Right, is how that lily livered, limp wristed, far-left Liberal and soft-on-crime Obama all but let Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab off the hook with his damned un-American insistence on justice and due process because he, having been read his Miranda Rights, immediately "clammed up." As is almost invariably true, the facts say otherwise.

The administration's timeline just released shows that the would-be murderer was removed to a hospital shortly after being arrested. There, he apparently began spilling the beans like a bratty one year old in a high chair until his medical condition deteriorated sharply - undoubtedly from having his genitals nearly burned off. The Miranda litany was recited only 9 hours after capture and after his condition was stabilized by four hours of surgery and questioning resumed but without response. How can you tell when the Republicans are lying? You don't need to, they always are.

Why is it that when Republicans only become creative when they run out of factual support? Sometimes they're so hard up for things to use to undermine our government, they just make them up from scratch or expand some minute and irrelevant mote into a universe of slime. If you haven't seen the latest chapter of Teleprompter Wars in your in-box yet, I'm sure you soon will. It's the one showing the President using two teleprompters to address a group of small children under the rubric of:
"Apparently there is no venue too small to require multiple teleprompters. I saw these pictures and first thought they were photo shopped, but it ends up they are actual pictures from Obama talking to an elementary school classroom. And they made fun of Bush's communication skills."

Well, no you didn't, the picture of the kids in the classroom and the President at a subsequent news conference in a different room do not show him using a teleprompter to address them and of course you know that. He was giving a speech to reporters who would be willing to use any misplaced word to attack him.

You know that he writes well, speaks well and is very much more able to communicate than his babbling, blathering predecessor and that looks bad for you -- and so you butter it over with lies and serve it up to your dogs for breakfast.

What do they hope to accomplish with such clumsy calumnies? Why are Republicans so desperate to believe anything that will make their visceral hatred of Democracy and uppity people of African descent seem to be less than the demented evil that it is? Why are they willing to sacrifice our country on some pagan altar of some bellicose god of war and conquest? Why do we sit by and let them do it?


  1. Why is it Republicans care about nonsense like teleprompters anyway? No one cared when President Bush sat like a statue for 20 minutes after learning America had been attacked. Talk about needing a Teleprompter.

    It's just stupid.

  2. The whole teleprompter business is racism in action: they just can’t believe a non-white individual – even one who earned an advanced degree from an excellent school -- could possibly be even minimally competent or worthy of being entrusted with the level of authority so long accorded solely to white men. And they will never believe it. Period.

    As for some Republicans’ heated rhetoric about the viability of torture and such things, I suspect they could either turn the country into an authoritarian nightmare state by rendering it ungovernable in the customary way, or destroy themselves as a political party. I wish I knew which, but the outcome depends on just how stupid we are as a nation, how willing we are to let fear and slander lead us where it wants. I think there's desperation in their extremism and dishonesty, too -- turning the clock back may be a "now or never" proposition for them because demographically, the country is moving away from their outmoded notions about race, gender, orientation, etc., so their other ideas may become ineffectual once they lose currency on the prior issues.

  3. It seems some of these mendacities are beginning to unravel. Dale Robertson, founder of, is making the claim that the movement is being hijacked by the GOP and has called Palin, “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Part of his statement:

    The bastardization of our message I find bilious and disingenuous on its face … Tea Party members are being eyed as just another piece of voting meat. Tea Party members are targeted for filling the rank and file of minion laden political operations, most of which are lead (sic) by failed Republican hacks.Story here.

    And the infamous Joe the Plumber is pissed at John McCain, saying: “McCain was trying to use me … it was a ploy.

    A simple cephalopod observation: One can’t keep up this level of bullshit forever without backlash, and the backlash has begun.

  4. The GOP had so much success at derailment with the Swift Boaters it has become their model for everything they do.

  5. A conservative blogger who visited my blog has a post up on his blog with a photo of Reagan giving a speech. The title of the post is "something, something, WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER."

    But here's the truth, here are the facts:

    "There’s one reason above all others that President Obama uses a teleprompter in delivering most of his speeches: he’s good at it.

    Ronald Reagan was the same way. He was more at ease in reading his speech off the dual screens of a teleprompter than looking up and down at a speech text on his lectern."


    Another conservative blogger who deliberately lies and misleads on anything to do with the Obama administration had a post up complaining about Michelle Obama's new initiative on getting America's children to eat healthier food and to exercise in order to combat childhood obesity.

    This guy falsely claimed that Mrs. Obama said in her speech highlighting this new initiative that childhood obesity is a bigger danger to this country than is terrorism.

    Of course she never uttered that, and I showed him where in her speech she said that childhood obesity is a danger to our children's future.

    Nothing comparing it to terrorism.

    Didn't matter. It's what he THINKS she said--what his fevered brain imagines she said that would send him and his like-minded sheep into paroxyms of rage.

    We all know that FOX News has been caught in deceptions by splicing news videos to make crowds look bigger than they actually were, not to mention the charlatans that work for them--Beck, for example, who incites and whips his simple-minded audiences into frenzies over lies and misrepresentations.

    This is real. It is happening, and it will continue to destroy this country. It is NOT Mr. Obama these unthinking, uncritical sheeple need to fear, it is the spread of calumny and deliberat deception wrapped in fear on everything that the Murdoch corporation can get away with that will bring this nation to its knees.

    I, too, have no hope.

  6. Unfortunately their ugly schemes may lead to Democrats losing 12 seats in the Senate.

    Keep up the fight, keep exposing the nastiness in the hope that the poisonous venom will turn inward and kill the attacker.

  7. After the Republicans told their lies about the information revealed by the underwear bomber, they are now savaging Obama for setting the record straight. By telling the true story of the guy's cooperation, Obama has (according to them) revealed vital information about American interrogation practices, and has therefore betrayed our country once again.

    I guess he was just supposed to keep his mouth shut, and let them smear him any way they wanted.

    You just can't win.

  8. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. That's sooo Republican. I could take comfort in thinking they're only revealing themselves to be the lying bastards they are, but people love hate so much they won't bother to notice.


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