Monday, April 5, 2010

Let's pity the victim

There should be an emoticon for a dumbfounded guffaw or something less childishly vulgar than WTF? to express my reaction to Michael Steele's attempt to make himself a martyr instead of a hypocrite. It would save so many keystrokes.

It takes a desperate man and a little man to dismiss the scorn over his involvement with the kinky strip club incident GOP contributors unknowingly funded. There's something distinctly oily about his assertion that he has a "slimmer margin of error" as a black man, even though that might be true in general.
"It's a different role for me to play and others to play and that's just the reality of it. But you just take that as a part of the nature of it"

he explained on Good Morning America this morning.

Whether or not he actually is held to a higher standard than a non-African American in his position as RNC Chairman would be, that frisky business is certainly at a level where anyone would be condemned for it and above the level where a white Democratic president might be impeached for it.

Yes, it's true that an honest politician (we're speaking hypothetically here) has to walk on eggs, so to speak and it's true that one of a minority group has to have even more delicate toes, but that certainly doesn't apply to a gleeful romp in the slime bucket, does it Mr. Steele? Falsely posing as a victim doesn't help real victims either.


  1. I think what Michael needs to do to stop the howling against him is 'fess up that maybe the RNC ship needs tighter running.

    Lower-level employees and associates will do unwise things -- it's inevitable, and if you tell them not to do unwise things A-Z, they will invent new letters in the alphabet of unwisdom just so they can make you look like a contemptible idiot. It's part of the boss' job to look like an idiot, apparently, and "putting your night out at the kinky strip joint on the Party's tab" is something like Z-prime or Z-doppio in the syllabary of foolishness. Might as well offer the mea culpa and move on.

  2. "Might as well offer the mea culpa and move on."

    Yes and without the customary "atque culpa tua quoque"

    (pardon the attempt - it's been a long time)

  3. It’s all just a part of the political pantomime.

  4. "political pantomime"

    Such as the inmates of some psych ward might put on.


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