Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Drill until we drop

Perhaps a society such as ours has as finite a lifespan as the individuals it's composed of and I think I'm seeing the kind of memory loss and dementia in the American public that we associate with extreme old age. The aged body sometimes can't absorb sustenance very well and neither can the American public assimilate the things that make a capable and dynamic Democracy possible. a large part of our population, for instance, seems to think that the huge environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico means that we need to do more of what made it happen and in the same careless, unregulated way. Presumably a number of those live far inland and don't like seafood or care that the Earth is becoming less livable because these are still the "end times," but not all of them. Some just think that as long as their immediate, short term needs are met, the rest of the world can go to hell, and so it goes.

A recent poll shows that despite the total lack of evidence and the extreme unlikeliness of the scenario, nine or ten percent of Americans do believe Limbaugh's idiotic proposition that it was the "enviros" behind the drilling platform explosion, but the scary part is that 22% are "unsure." Amongst self-identified Conservatives, the number jumps to 44% who believe it was sabotage by liberals. The evidence to the contrary is out there, the evidence for it isn't out there, so either 31% are unable to assimilate it by reason of dementia or have no interest in the survival of the USA as we think we know it -- or Like many aged people, they've given up and are simply wandering in a senile, paranoid daze of denialism looking for their lost youth and vigor.

"Perhaps most surprisingly 21% of voters said the spill made them more likely to support offshore drilling,"

said Public Policy Polling director Tom Jensen. 55% of Americans polled after the disaster began, still supported offshore drilling, according to the same poll.

Am I pushing this too far? Is this really only more of what America has been doing since its beginning? We are, after all a nation that is happy to continue its war on drugs and embargoes on foreign countries that cause more harm than good; a nation that has had to struggle tooth and nail to overcome our vicious habits. Most of all we're a nation that always waits for a calamity before doing anything. What I'm afraid of is that this time the calamity we're waiting for won't come until we're a nation incapable of taking care of ourselves but a nation with a huge Army.


  1. Last night on MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell played some excerpts of Rush Limbaugh's recent broadcasts on the Gulf oil spill, wherein Limbaugh blamed the spill on liberals, environmentalists, and President Obama.

    Limbaugh's broadcasts went far beyond the usual lies and deceptions. They were inflammatory and defamatory in the extreme, a new low (if this were possible even for Limbaugh), the ugliest fear-mongering and pandering I had ever seen.

    There is no more honest network news, no fact-checking, no more holding liars to account. The public is being deliberately misinformed by demagogues from the right wing, and frankly our democracy and culture is being hijacked by the likes of Roger Ailes and Fox News. I am damn pissed off to the point of going ballistic.

    Later today, I'll post some graphs (part of a work-in-progress on this subject) at the private beach.

  2. Like you I think about the dark future frequently. Somehow I feel a need to come up with some ideas re how progressives might get more attention to environmental and social justice issues.

    But, as others have said, it is only being-against something that rouses people. This was in regard to the success of Prohibition amendment. Not sure there's something to learn from the way odd bedfellows--suffragetttes, temperance and anti-immigration forces, among others.

  3. I have been living as energy frugal as our culture permits ... since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 ... recycling, installing energy efficient appliances and bulbs, driving a hybrid car since they first came out.

    But we cannot do this alone. I put the focus on media, case in point:

    The number of stories about the environment on network news went from 377 to 131 in the past decade. At the same time, the number of stories about entertainment (think Anna Nicole Smith) went from 134 to 221 during the same period (source: Center for Media and Public Affairs).

    There cannot be public awareness without news coverage, and our media is doing a piss poor job as it chases ratings and profits ... while dumbing-down the public on vital issues. Notwithstanding the Gulf oil disaster, getting environmental stories into the news has never been more difficult.

    Furthermore, despite the headlines about massive ecological damage and destruction, public opinion still favors "drill, baby, drill" due in part to decades of negligence by media and the dominance of oil company PR.

  4. I think the surest path to insanity it to pay attention to polls. Polls, as we all know, can say whatever the pollster wants them to say. On top of which, the fact that there are 9-10% of people who believe Rush's wacked out conspiracy theories is not a surprise to me. There are people who believe the Holocaust didn't happen, the moon landing was faked, the government has polluted our water supply (why, they don't bother to mention), you name it.

    My favorite is the one about how Stephen King, Nixon and Ronald Reagan colluded to kill John Lennon. I heard that guy call in to some talk radio program, that was a great one.

    Hell, this weekend my sister told me she'd just come from a 9/11 conspiracy theory lecture and now she's convinced the fall of WTC 7 was a "staged demolition."

    People are going to believe crazy things because that's human nature. It has always been this way. Always.

    Don't let it get you down. We have to remember that even if 10% of people think environmentalists staged the Gulf Oil spill, that means 90% do not. And let's focus on that 90%, okay?

  5. The News was pathetic,
    horrific, incessant
    the moon, turned it's phases
    from full into crescent

    alabaster sand meets
    azure harmony
    The Gulf Coast is a treasure
    Nature's own Symphony

    now its despoiled
    a victim of greed
    blatant malfeasance
    such an abhorrent deed

    a few, win like bandits
    while, we pay the bill
    an endless repetition
    their hands in our till

    Business, as usual
    this time, I hope not
    let us, show B.P.
    just what, we have got

    cancel, all of your cards
    Boycott them, we must
    to fail, in this endeavor
    means our future is dust

  6. Now listen here, fellow Zoners,
    Lets give Finefroghair his due
    And heap praise upon the donor
    Lest he flings a rhyming shoe.

  7. I am disheartened by the flagrant dumbnicity those polls reveal. With Southern Beale, I'm starting to cover my eyes and stop my ears to them, which probably does nothing to improve my citizenship, but does preserve my sanity and allow me to truck on.

    Fogg is right; as a country, we're not as young and pretty as we once were. And we still love to believe our own propaganda.

    I have to make sorties into reality these days, pulling back to base camp in between. And I often do fear that my lack of courage in holding my face to the horror show makes me, "Like many aged people, they've given up and are simply wandering in a senile, paranoid daze of denialism looking for their lost youth and vigor." I am proud to say that I do not, however, read People Magazine or watch television in my base camp.

    Sometimes I do my own casual polling. If fewer and fewer folks in line at the grocery store know the whereabouts and doings of Paris Hilton each month, then the nation might survive.


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