Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Devil and the Oil Spill

Fox and Palin.

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my groaning?

Yes, we have people out in the street screaming about tax increases that never were and while Federal income taxes are lower than they've been in 50 years. We have Fox giving air time to the airhead who has taken time out from chanting "drill baby drill" like an over-aged cheerleader for the oil cartel to chastise President Obama for not doing what he in fact is doing and for not knowing how to do what it was BP's responsibility to know how to do and to be able to do. I wonder if she took time to take a shower and change clothes before switching from 'hands off the oil industry' to 'we need government intervention and oversight.'
"Well then what the federal government should have done was accept the assistance of foreign countries, of entrepreneurial Americans that have had the solutions that they wanted presented."

Well, of course that's what the administration is doing. Looking for assistance from countries where drilling is subject to much more oversight and where Fox ranteth not. Perhaps it's time to ask that "gotcha" question once again. So what newspapers and magazines do you read Mrs. Palin? Oh, I see -- you watch Fox.

Of course there was a 4 week delay in waiving the federal Merchant Marine Act of 1920, which mandates that all goods shipped between U.S. ports be transported in U.S.-built, U.S. owned and U.S. manned ships.Of course there was a long delay during which BP didn't tell us how bad it was and that they couldn't have it stopped in short order, but face it, the Grand Old Bastards have so much fun and profit with their daily game of pin the tail on the President, they're even criticizing the pants he wears when talking about the oil spill, unlike the Commander guy with his costumes.

Does it really matter whether the president has apparently made sure that we won't have to pay for this disaster by having BP set aside 20 billion in escrow? No, even that is proof of perfidy, since it will somehow hurt the Louisiana economy and it basically is a socialist plan to redistribute wealth says the irrepressible Bachmann. Win or lose, we lose, if you ask the New Right.

But it appears that God wants no part of this sound and fury and we're going to have to fix it ourselves. If only we only had to battle the Devil and the oil spill here and not the legions of lying idiots.


  1. Anyone with functioning brain cells knows that Palin is hopelessly stupid and a fraud.

    She continues to be taken seriously by the usual blockheads who coninue to ignore her inability to speak in her own language; her inability to tell the truth, and her colossal ignorance.

    This country has a depressing history of popularizing people with little minds and big mouths.

  2. By all sane and rational accounts, the $20 billion escrow account (to reimburse citizens for losses) is considered a sound legal approach and a signal achievement; but not according to the perpetual jeer-and-sneer crowd who dismiss the President no matter what he accomplishes. From TPM this morning, I read this, GOPers Slam White House Over BP Gulf Spill Fund:

    Michele Bachmann (R-MN) - “a redistribution-of-wealth fund … We're not going to be chumps, and we're not going to be fleeced."

    Tom Price (R-GA) - “a Chicago-style shakedown politics … borne out of this Administration's drive for greater power and control."

    Rush Limbaugh - “Who's gonna get this money? Union activists? ACORN people?

    Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS) - “I do worry that this idea of making them make a huge escrow fund is going to make it less likely that they'll pay for everything. They need their capital to drill wells. They need their capital to produce income.

    Fox News, Stuart Varney and Sean Hannity - "a political slush fund."

    Joe Barton (R-TX) - “a $20 billion shakedown."

    At a time when the country needs unity of action and resolve, there comes a time to STFU, support the leadership of our government, and stop acting like sandbox children. I am BEYOND sick and tired of these assholes.

  3. I have to admit I cannot begin to express my disgust or my anger any more.

    The people who don't read the news are fair game for these monsters and I'm afraid very very few Americans have the knowledge to understand how they're being defrauded.

  4. Everyone, here is the missing link (not meaning to insult your arboreal ancestors):

    Joe Barton Would Like To Apologize.

  5. I'm digging the Swash Zone's new look! Also, I couldn't agree with you more regarding the Right's characterizations of the escrow account. ACORN? Doesn't Rush realize that they've shuttered their doors, or is he still using them as a bogeyman hoping that his listeners aren't aware of this fact?

    Don't they run the risk of Conservative voters finally realizing how stupid the Con politicians and pundits think they are -- and who they really represent? (hint: it isn't the "small people").

    BTW, talking about "The Devil and the Oil Spill", Sleeping with The Devil recently published TWO commentaries regarding the BP Gulf disaster -- "Conservatives Heart Bailouts" (6/18/2010) and "Conservatives Pushing For BP Bailout" (6/13/2010). Check 'em out if you're interested.


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