Sunday, August 8, 2010

And so it ends

The United States of America is doomed; at least in any form that can honestly be called a Democracy. Of course it may remain for a while as a pseudo Democracy where government and business are intertwined to the extent that no likely coalition of individual citizens has enough power to elect representatives who are not owned by some powerful entity, as any coalition that emerges is likely to be organized around fictitious causes and motivated by delusion provided by powerful, corporate interests.

Yes, the Citizens United decision was another step in the destruction of Democracy and the reduction of the power of the private citizen, but the real leash around our neck is Rupert Murdoch's lie machine.

I got an irate e-mail today with a link to a hysterical Fox news diatribe. To the casual viewer, it would seem that a town in New York State had decided to give Hispanic voters 6 votes as opposed to the one vote everyone else has. That would, they say, allow non-citizens, the unregistered voters and the otherwise ineligible Hispanics to outvote that traditionally disadvantaged bloc, White Christians.

There must be a better word than lie for this deceitful passion play, but lie will have to suffice and lie it is because what has been portrayed as a breach of constitutional law, the creation of an activist Obama court ( even though the decision was made under the Bush administration) and an affront to democracy, is simply the time honored practice of cumulative voting. Port Chester New York, has a voter base that is about 46% Hispanic. That being less than a majority, it's unlikely that the Village Board of Trustees would include a single member of Hispanic origin. That's the sort of exclusive majority rule Righties like and to allow a voter to give one vote to each of the candidates or to give more than one to a lesser number of candidates makes it possible to have a representational board of representatives. That's the kind of Democracy Righties hate, because it allows representation to those who are by virtue of race: inferior and dangerous.

Enter the Fox. The hysterical minstrel show leads the viewer to believe that any Hispanic, whether eligible to vote or not will be given 6 votes and everyone else will have only one. Branching out from that bald faced lie, are all sorts of accusations and misrepresentations and characterizations all designed to show how under the Democrats and Liberals and Elitists, the country is going to hell and the constitution ignored.

As I said, there should be a better word than 'lie' and perhaps there is: Libel, subversion, treason and if I had a thesaurus, I could come up with a dozen, but what matters is that we have an internal enemy who has already conquered and infected the minds and souls of America and is progressing further toward supporting insurrection day by day. I'm only illustrating one of countless assaults on truth, reason, decency, democracy and the dignity of mankind, but it's enough.

Is there any hope? Not on my part and my vision of the future is the jaws of the Fox around the throat of America, forever.


  1. I hope you all noticed, that he brought up the equal protection part of the Constitution. Funny how that works isn't it? When they want to get rid of those awful "anchor" babies, they are all gung ho about revisiting the 14th amendment which does just that. Now with this, ah hold on wait a minute, not so much because it doesn't benefit us. Makes the head turn, how these people get into gymastics mode to spin like that when it suits them.

  2. I've never known it to fail that the crap-purveyors unknowingly engineer their own demise, but it's taking an awfully long time. Have you got room on that boat for two more?

  3. Captain, I had another one of those ‘clubhouse’ moments tonight except it wasn’t in the clubhouse. It was a private birthday party attended by neighbors whom I thought were educated and thoughtful people, i.e. former school principals, lawyers, professionals.

    All evening at the dinner table ... tea party conversation. How they resented school lunch programs, the TARP bailout, illegal immigrants, why GM should have gone bust, all that nada dada.

    None of them knew that TARP funds are being paid back with interest; that half the funds have already been paid back to taxpayers with a profit. Facts made them angry, an unwelcome intrusion. They cherish their resentments.

    These people live in spacious and expensive beachside condos, have second homes and mini-ranches out west, have luxury cars and boats, take vacations for months at a time. They lack nothing; yet they begrudge a kid from getting a school lunch if it costs a few quid in taxes.

    The wife of one of the lawyers, a former lawyer herself and now a Methodist minister, tried to turn me into a God-fearing, Jesus-loving convert. Over my objections, she kept pressing the issue through the evening.

    WTF is wrong with these people! I felt abused, ASSAULTED ... all night long from the first hello to the last goodbye. Wherever you go in Florida, there are people like this everywhere. You can't get away from them. For months now, I have been thinking of going back to Europe. Maybe it is time to start making plans.

  4. Sorry If I'm a broken Record. The only solution, which Obama said no to in his first month of office, is bring back The fairness Doctrine.
    Call it The Reagan Reform Act to fool all the shills. After all it was done away with in the times of the Jelly Bean President. That would Force an almost level playing field. I know people say, we can't do that!!! Why the hell not.. Trust me, they are deathly affraid of it.

  5. My record is broken in the same place. I've been talking about bringing back the Fairness Doctrine for many years, but of course you get the dance of the puppets about "censorship."

    Not one of these idiots can explain why, but belief is about not wanting to know the truth, as Nietzsche said.

    Yeah, the constitution is sacred until it gets in the way of mob rule.

    As easy as it would be for me to go to Europe, it's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking at property in the carribean actually.


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