Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

Yes, those were the days Archie and Edith Bunker sang about and the man who led us from market crash and credit crunch into full blown depression by blaming the workers instead of the actual causes. Somehow we've forgotten that Archie the lovable, small minded bigot and ignoramus was supposed to be a joke.

I admit it, I went and hid my head in Caribbean sand for a week so I wouldn't have to watch the madness, the hysteria and the lies, or endure the Fox News fits and fables -- or most of all, witness the continuing spectacle of my country eating itself alive out of a desperation to keep doing what always produces everything we're trying to fix. Sooner or later however, and Hurricane Tomas argued for sooner, one has to come back and face the discord.

It isn't easy. It isn't easy to accept that Americans will support politicians that truly are nowhere near as smart as a fifth grader and that Americans will elect politicians who don't think the government has any business interfering with our "right" to abuse and exploit and segregate other Americans or to accept that Americans will just childishly stay home and let some 20% of the voters put a plutocrat affiliated with a billion dollar medicare scam in the Florida Governor's mansion out of contempt for "elitism" and because Obaaaaaaama and the 'Librils' haven't restored the Bush bubble, the Bush soaring debt, the Bush job loss, the Bush expansion of Federal size and power, the Bush redistribution of wealth, the Bush disenfranchisement of voters and infringements upon civil rights soon enough to please them. Yes, that's a hell of a long sentence, but how we sank this low is an even longer story and when it comes to telling it, it's not me whose head is buried in the sand.

No, after 8 years of job stagnation, job loss and declining earnings, all we'll be hearing about is about that 9.6% unemployment Obama created without any help from Bush's tax cuts and wars -- and we won't be remembering the 9.5% unemployment in Reagan's first term. ( nor his tax increases nor the effect they produced) We'll hear the gloating and bragging about the president's low popularity although Reagan's was lower at the same point in his career. We'll hear about profligate spending, but not a word about the payback with interest that tells a different story. We'll keep hearing about the debt, but not the policies that produced it and how it can only be solved by a policy that has produced the largest government sponsored redistribution of wealth in our history without creating a single new private sector job -- a policy that must be maintained for fear of Communism. Like Archie, we'll keep longing for that romanticized version of a Hobbesian hell with every white man for himself, minorities in the minority, stragglers will be shot and no prisoners taken. We'll keep ignoring reality and we'll keep repeating the slogans as we count our beads, fabricating facts and citing false history when we pay attention to history at all.

Meanwhile the sand is warm and the hurricane is moving out to sea. . .


  1. Yes, we will and a lot of people will suffer because the Faux News team perpetrates lies. I don't believe every thing I read on the Internet but Faux News does. Sigh. And I suggest that they stop calling themselves 'news' and call it what it really is: the GOP's campaign headquarters for the looney tunes set.

  2. I'm not really surprised at the results of the election.

    This country elected Obama 2 years ago. With an impressive 7 point margin.

    Before he took the oath of office, Rush Limbaugh and the other poop-flinging apes that pass as GOP pundits told their ditto heads that they hoped the newly elected president would fail.

    On April 15, 2009, I was in Boca Raton, Fla., and saw the first of the Koch Brothers' Tea Party rallies, and later that night, heard a blubbering woman tell the local teevee station that she "wanted her country back!" Mr. Obama hadn't filled his cabinet yet and had barely returned Lincoln's Bible, on which he swore his oath of office, to wherever he borrowed it from.

    Shouldn't we have understood then that this contrived Tea Party outrage was the beginning of the effort to destroy the president? To nullify another election of a Democrat?

    With the millions who view FAUX NOOZ and listen to the swine-livered Limbaugh, is there anyone who doubts the reality of why the American people have returned the miscreants who created our disasters to office?

    Comcast and its CEO, who was a Bush donor, is poised to take over MSNBC pending the various government agencies' approval of the sale.

    Does anyone doubt that there will be changes to the only cable station that provides the only antidote to the 24/7/365 conservative noise machine?

    What could the president and the Democrats have done differently to have avoided what happened on Tuesday? I don't know. I can't second guess.

    But I think I can predict that if we thought Tuesday was bad, wait till the new Congress is sworn in in January, and we'll wish for the good ol' days when the Tea Partiers were carrying posters of Hitler/Obama and Christine O'Donnell was telling us she's not a witch.

  3. ...or is it the fact that the right can turn anyone into Herbert Hoover...

  4. Just something to think much as I despise Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and their various clones, a free society that has as its primer a constitution that promotes freedom of expression must be exceptionally limitede in siliencing any voices. I want to hear Olbermann, that means that Beck must also have his time. Freedom of expression cannot ever be linked to who is right or who is wrong because then the vocies that I support may be labeled wrong and be the onew that are silenced.

    It's a tricky thing, this freedom. It creates a society where people like Limbaugh thrive. Perhaps it is open dissent that is the true hallmark of freedom. Perhaps what we must focus our energies on is providing alternative voices to highligh the fallacies of Fox News, Beck, Palin, Limbaugh et. al.

    By the way Capt., I think that the reference to Reagan is right on target and highly relevant. Just read an interesting article on previous miderm elections when there was a major shift in power in Congress:

  5. Excellent analysis. I love the title - my wife and I have been watching All In The Family for the past few weeks (gotta love DVR). All the arguments made between Archie and Michael are still relevant, and as was in the show Archie (tea party) is still ignorant to what is going on...

    I would love to have an All In The Family screening for some tea party groups to see what they say about the views of the elder Bunker...

  6. Shaw - you were in Boca and you didn't call me?

    Hell, the right can turn anyone into anyone and they do. If James Madison can become a Christian conservative, I can be the Easter bunny.

    Yes, I know, listing to liars is a requirement of freedom, but the freedom to lie seems to be the only freedom the right values. They deny my religious freedom and they read our mail. The problem is that we as a country are too damned ignorant and lazy to tell truth from lies. Every day I get political hoaxes that 15 seconds research would expose, but nobody will take that 15 seconds.

    Thanks Kevin. When All in the Family came out, most people I know didn't see it as the kindly mockery of right wing thought it was. People thought Archie spoke for them and indeed he did. Remember the "Archie Bunker for President" buttons? They weren't worn by cynics.

  7. I remember All in the Family well. "Arch" was an endearing, redeemable character -- sure, he was a grouch, a minor tyrant as a husband, a clumsy-mouthed bigot, and his politics were the stuff of the irrational right, but in the end, he treated individuals much more kindly than his words about whole groups gave us any business expecting. You got the sense that his heart was in the right place -- he really didn't mean most of what he said, or didn't know what he was saying half the time anyway, so everyone around him let it go in one ear and out the other, except for that liberal elitist "meathead" college boy of a son-in-law his daughter inflicted on him.

    I would love to believe that more of our C21 Tea-Partyists are just confused, grumpy old men and women like Archie Bunker. Somehow, though, I think those were more innocent times – Archie was a sentimentalized portrait of conservatism from a tolerant, "tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner" liberal perspective; but then, I'm not above repeating the gesture: "Mister, we could use a man like Archie Bunker today." Beats the hell out of our legions of angry dittoheads, or the malignant, shameless mendacity of a certain "news" outlet.

    A thought -- Archie was more or less isolated in his foolishness and irrationality, and surrounded mostly by patient, forgiving people who loved him. You gotta wonder what would have become of poor old Arch if the Internet had been around back in the 1970's. He would probably have maintained a badly written, vituperative blog and …. oh never mind.

  8. Maybe that isolation was a bit like the encapsulation of tuberculosis that keeps it from killing the victim. I can see Archie II listening to Beck and reading Jew Watch and losing that endearing inner compassion that allowed him to be more human than his unquestioned prejudices might seem to allow.

    Modern communications have increased our wants and perceived needs that weren't there in the 1970's. It's also cultivated our anger and focused it on targets selected by political entrepreneurs. In short, I do agree. Archie would have been less of a small minded curmudgeon and more of an angry, hate-filled bastard -- and Tea Party ignoramus.


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