Monday, November 8, 2010

Oklahoma is OK

Says the tautological and largely meaningless slogan on their license plates. No, Oklahoma isn't an Apache word for xenophobia, but it may well become an English metaphor, and it certainly isn't OK with regard to having a clue about the consequences of their actions.

Yes, the strict Constitutionalist Nativists of the Southwest would love to be able to pick and choose what part of that document they feel comfortable with and ignore other parts that suggest that Oklahoma cannot set requirements for US citizenship all by itself nor can neighboring Arizona forbid certain kinds of employment to those with an accent that doesn't suggest Aryan "Abstammung," even though they did.

They're apparently also stupid enough to fear that Oklahoma judges will decide to opt out of Federal, State and local law and enforce Sharia, or Islamic law, since so many of them are Islamic fundamentalists in disguise or likely to spontaneously become one. You know, like some people just burst into flames or get abducted by aliens. You really can't trust any judge not to decide to enforce Liechtenstein law or that of France or Andorra, you know, and so they voted for the Save Our State amendment.

It may just work. It may save Oklahoma's free thinkers, Buddhists, Hindus and adherents to Native religions from being beat over the head with selected Jewish laws in the name of being a Christian nation. Sorry Tea folk, when you ban the courts from referencing "laws of another nation" that didn't apply in the first place, you ban the Ten Commandments as well as the other 603 Biblical laws you're not literate enough to know about. Mount Sinai wasn't just outside Muskogee, you know and Israel remains a foreign country.

Just as Sharia is binding only on Muslims, Jewish Mitzvot are only binding on Jews and if any are enforced in the courts, it's coincidental. Muslims have laws against murder and theft too, you know and some of theirs seem more liberal than ours. Sometimes ignorance opens the door to enlightenment.

Of course these landlocked Okies have forgotten that treaties the US Government enters into with foreign entities do have the force of law ( unless those treaties were made with the various Indian tribes without the slightest intention of good faith ) and so refusing to enforce them is unconstitutional and not good for international business, if there is any in Oklahoma.

Just can't win, can ya? So thanks for standing up for the first amendment, cowboy -- maybe you really are OK.


  1. We are on a slick, downhill slide to becoming the dumbest nation on Earth. All those gloomy, futuristic novels we read in the 60s don't seem all that farfetched anymore.

  2. How can Democracy be a good thing with an ill informed, neurotic and unintelligent populace, hell bent on opposing science, reason, history and in fact, liberty itself.

  3. Oklahoma is NOT OK in the same sense as ""Ceci n'est pas une pipe." Of course, they are too stupid to get the joke.

  4. Have you seen "Idiocracy?"

    I think it is happening, here.

  5. ... since so many of them are Islamic fundamentalists in disguise or likely to spontaneously become one. You know, like some people just burst into flames or get abducted by aliens.

    This conjures up the most interesting image, LOL! I think it ranks right up there with those who are convinced that it's on the gay agenda to recruit people to be gay. I wouldn't be surprised if that notion is also a part of OK's lexicon. It's amazing how easy it is for people to slide into nonsensical beliefs.

    Read an article that I though miight interest y'all.

    Btw, an Islamic friend told me a few years back that Sheria was a variation of the anglicized spelling of Sharia law.

  6. I like Sheria Law far better. It would make a great TV show, wouldn't it?

    As I have said too often, if you think it's a choice to be gay, you are gay and doesn't there seem to be a tempting pile of evidence that gay bashers do indulge in some questionable behavior in public rest rooms?

    No, there's nothing in the constitution I can find that rules out Sheria law. Looking for a campaign manager?

  7. Sheria! I've done my share of making calls for the Dems during elections. I'm ready to do it for Sheria Law!

    Loved the Tim Wise piece.

    And here's one for you.

  8. Oh yes, I have seen Idiocracy, but you know, I hate those reality shows.

    "Ceci n'est pas une pipe." Maybe yes, maybe no, but Magritte was smoking something.

  9. Shaw, I adore the article from Slate. Saletan is so on target. I'm posting the link on my Facebook wall.


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