Monday, January 24, 2011

Supreme Court Justices Who Flaunt the Law and Violate Ethics Rules

This weekend, the Los Angeles Times covered this story: Clarence Thomas failed to report wife's income. Allegedly, Virginia Thomas earned $686,589 from The Heritage Foundation between the years 2003 through 2007 inclusive; but Justice Thomas did not report her income as required by Federal disclosure documents. In his 2009 disclosure, Justice Thomas reported spousal income as “none,” although his wife earned an unknown salary from Liberty Central in the same year.

In theory, federal judges are bound by law to disclose the source of spousal income, which can be interpreted as a violation. However, any penalty in the form of a fine or censure is unlikely according to judicial ethics expert Steven Lubet, who said: “"I am not aware of a single case of a judge being penalized simply for this."

According to Stephen Gillers, a law professor at the NYU School of Law, the Supreme Court is "the only judicial body in the country that is not governed by a set of judicial ethical rules." Nevertheless …
"Without disclosure, the public and litigants appearing before the court do not have adequate information to assess potential conflicts of interest, and disclosure is needed to promote the public's interest in open, honest and accountable government" (Bob Edgar, President of Common Cause).
If penalties in the form of fines, public censure, or even impeachment are out of the question, there is nothing that can prevent future abuses unless … we make a public stink and raise public awareness.  So lets get the framing right:
How can there be respect for the Law when Supreme Court Justice Thomas thumbs his nose at it!
Clarence Thomas is not the only Supreme Court Justice under scrutiny at the moment. Common Cause, a leading advocacy group, has filed a petition asking the Justice Department to investigate possible conflicts of interest by Justices Scalia and Thomas in the landmark Citizens United case, which reversed the ban on corporate funding of political campaigns. The petition seeks to disqualify Justices Scalia and Thomas from the case and vacate their decisions. In an earlier controversy, Justice Scalia refused to recuse himself from a case challenging VP Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force after the two had gone duck hunting together in 2005.

In an era of seemingly endless chicanery at the highest levels of government, the American public is certainly entitled to a higher standard of conduct from the highest justices in the land.

Before I conclude this post, first a word on setting comment boundaries. No personal attacks on the justices or their spouses, no rumors about their private lives, and no Ann Coulter recipes for creme brulee.


  1. I'm surprised anyone survives going duck hunting with Dick Cheney.

  2. Last night, there was more news concerning Justice Scalia'a attendance at a Tea Party event behind closed doors. It appears the SCOTUS is no longer the impartial and non-partisan branch of government we thought it was (at least not since Gore v. Bush). These days, the hijacking is so complete, Scalia and Thomas don't even try to conceal it anymore.

  3. I think it's reached the point where the best we can do is put Band-Aid's on the metastatic Melanoma. It's too late, folks.

    Mark Twain once wrote that "the coat-of-arms of the human race ought to consist of a man with an axe on his shoulder proceeding toward a grindstone"

    True in his time, true in ours, but for the addition of corporate "men."

    Marx was dead wrong. History does not progress from feudalism to communism, but from everywhere back to feudalism where the strong rule the weaker, as the strong get fewer and the weaker more numerous. Call it State Capitalism, call it Feudalism I don't see a significant difference.

  4. Is there respect for the law?

    Mark Twain also wrote," I support my country all the time. I support my government when they deserve it."

    Scalia should resign and run for President as a Tea Party candidate.

  5. Great article, Octo. Was getting ready to tackle this myself.

    There is indeed a Judicial Code of Ethics but these miscreants have decided to ignore it. Link to the following and pay close attention to Canons 4 and 5. There are other sources as well.

  6. Tom:

    " I support my country all the time. I support my government when they deserve it."

    Although that's quoted by right and left, it's important to note that Sam Clemens was a liberal. He allows that sometimes the government deserves it. The right these days seems to believe that government is always the enemy.

  7. It is a sorry state of affairs when the corruption in America has reached the highest court in the land. The Supreme Court has always been our last stand. I knew we were finished after the corporate entity as an individual ruling.
    Things have gone so far astray that I don't think any administration can pull it back. I know our President is trying and I'll support him on all rational decisions but I think the opposition is just too great.
    Hope I'm wrong...

  8. This report is depressing. I'm at a loss as to how to respond, except to say I'm about to say eff it, plant a garden and watch it grow, and give up.

    My blogging efforts change nothing.

    But wait. There was one wonderful thing that I witnessed this weekend.

    My niece's cancer is in remission. Her hair is growing back in--curly, when before this calamity it was straight as nails. Her spirit is good, she'll be back to skiing once the next two non-chemo treatments are completed.

    When I think of her and her battles and bravery, I'm encouraged and I can say to hell with the miserable people like Scalia and Thomas who make a mockery of our democracy.

    I'm concentrating on what good things have happened to my niece.

    The SCOTUS and the shameful behavior of Scalia, Thomas and their compatriots can't diminsh my happiness over that.


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