Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fox News has learned. . .

By Capt. Fogg

No they haven't.

Alex Jones' Prison Planet website is the kind of place you expect to find very right wing viewpoints and so when I find agreement that Fox News lies, I feel good about it. It gives me a defense when people behind the Fox curtain accuse me of being a far-left Commie/Liberal liar, which seems to be the best they can do, considering all the evidence that Fox is indeed a lie factory and propaganda machine -- more than just simply being affiliated with and a sponsor of the GOP.

"The latest example comes from Fox News, who completely manufactured the claim that Gaddafi was using western journalists as human shields to prevent fighter jets from bombing his compound,"

writes blog editor Paul Joseph Watson today.

In a piece entitled, EXCLUSIVE: Libyans Use Journalists as Human Shields, Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin & Justin Fishel wrote, says Watson:
“An attack on the compound of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi on Sunday had to be curtailed because of journalists nearby, Fox News has learned.”
But there’s a problem, he says. One of the CNN journalists supposedly used by Gaddafi as a human shield subsequently appeared on CNN and labeled the claim,
“Outrageous and absolutely hypocritical. The idea that we were some kind of human shields is nuts,” CNN international correspondent Nic Robertson told Wolf Blitzer.

"Fox News has proven itself to be a complete tool of the US military-industrial complex. Nothing it now reports about the attack on Libya can ever be trusted."
says Prison Planet, QED -- and who can dispute it?


  1. More from the Prison Planet website:

    The subsequent NATO-led attacks on the country, aided by Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda [sic], with depleted uranium weapons caused civilian deaths and crippling long term health effects that dwarfed anything Slobodan Miloevic [sic] was accused of.

    Osama bin Laden and al-Qa'ida, sheesh! Factually wrong and lunatic in its own right, these words could have been written by a Clinton-bashing-Serb-nationalist-Milosevic sympathizer. Gee, Captain. With friends like that, who needs anemones!

  2. To be fair, those depleted Uranium shells do spew radiation all over the place and which places will remain hot for a long time. It's done much for anti-US sentiments. Much of the world is far more paranoid and delusional about us than we are aware of in our narcissistic fantasy.

    What pleases me, is that the freakazoid right may be rejecting the Fox folk and since I don't consider them a credible threat and I do consider Fox to be the most dangerous thing out there, the enemy of my enemy is more than a mere polyp.

    I think they make a point about American wars being based on lies and I think in general, that's valid. The Battleship Main wasn't the first and won't be the last: the Gulf of Tonkin Incident that never happened, for instance and the Iraqi WMD that never were and that the administration knew were not there. . . I think it's far from paranoid to suspect many of the calls for war as being exaggerated and even fabricated. Americans love war so much that they always fall for these things. I remember the joy in people's faces in 2003 when they got to say "there's a war on!" just like the good old days of the early 40's.

  3. The bottom line is that we need more and more demonstrations of how Fox lies, because those millions of Fox only watchers don't have a clue. I don't care who provides the information.

  4. Speaking of the Battleship Maine, this from Editha by William Dean Howells:

    "It's war," he said, and he pulled her up to him and kissed her.
    She kissed him back intensely, but irrelevantly, as to their passion, and uttered from deep in her throat. "How glorious!"

  5. "while she poured out upon him her question of the origin and authenticity of his news."

    Which takes us back to Fox. . .

    Every war conceals a war and no war is about what it's about - nor can anyone really know much more than who gets rich from it. And even then.


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