Friday, May 27, 2011

If they're for it, we're against it.

By Capt. Fogg

The natural state of men, before they were joined in society, was a war, and not simply, but a war of all against all.

Thomas Hobbes -

Scanning the Facebook page of my congresscritter, Tom Rooney (R-FL) I find the real interest not to be the simplistic banalities and the strained attempts to generate outrage against Barack Obama. It's not the continuing effort by Rooney to portray the assistance being given NATO's actions in Syria as a constitutional violation; it's more about the truly demented calls for impeachment by the people who post there; calls that remain in view without comment by Mr. Rooney, who claims that he maintains the page to be more "in touch" with the sentiments of his constituents rather than as a tool to promote irrational rage for political purposes.

If he has some constituents other than me who disagree with the "Oh I just hate, hate him" and "Oh he just makes me sick" and the "he uses the constitution to line his bird cage" swamp dwellers, they must indeed like me, be very reluctant to post comments there under their real names. He's created a milieu quite hostile to reason and reasonable people offering constructive criticism.

Yes, of course there are many questions about the legality of George W. Bush's legacy, some of which -- too much of which -- remains in place, but the War on Obama is not really based on his alleged and often misrepresented constitutional infractions, and we know it because they weren't presented as such during the previous administration and indeed were eagerly supported by the reactionary beasts who hang out on the Rooney page to congratulate themselves and outdo each other on the size of their hate. Indeed, that place is a microcosm of our war against ourselves, a war of all against all.

It's not that I like Senator Rand Paul or his familiar pose of principled outrage, but I am indeed on his side when it comes to addressing the real constitutional outrage of the Patriot Act. I have to smile at what may be the end of his naivete because it isn't the Democrats at war with the Leahy-Paul Amendment, designed to allow greater oversight of ever increasing Government warrantless surveillance powers under that cynically named act. It's the Republicans supporting precisely the kind of power they pretend to oppose while posturing as libertarians to the frothy-mouthed and furious rabble.
“Unfortunately, what we’re finding now is that the Democrats have agreed to allow me to have amendments but my own party is refusing to allow me to debate or present my amendments.”

Said Paul. Imagine that.

But as the man said, the joining of people into a society serves to prevent the chaos of nature, and I have to ask myself whether the effort to portray anything social or designed for the common good as the unqualified evil of Socialism, did not have the promotion of that very bellum omnium contra omnes; everyone at war with everyone and every man for himself as a purpose. Perhaps when everyone is against everyone, such things as consistent viewpoints are illusory as is anything resembling principle. If you're for it, I'm against it may be as close as we can get.


  1. Capt. Fogg,

    One of the things that leads to dino near-despair is casting even a quick glance at the comments section of any online venue. There are a few highfalutin' intellectual sites, of course, where the back-and-forth is learned and enlightening, but if you sample the responses to any given story in some of the major newspapers, the level of the discussion seems to be an insult to elementary schoolers. Grotesque lies and misinformed statements abound. Here in California, the kind of people who tend to leave online comments link absolutely everything to "illegal aliens." It doesn't matter what the issue is -- it could be the caloric content of mustard, or the weather. It's all the illegals' fault, and Obama and the Democrats are probably to blame somehow as well. Why bother trying to set such people straight? All you'd get back is hate speech or a juvenile, illiterate attempt at snark.

  2. Dino:

    "Why bother trying to set such people straight?"

    Good question. Yes, the same obsession with illegal aliens describes South Florida too, for what it's worth and you could be talking about the comments in any local paper here as well. Stupidity is a constant, but I wish the crooks and liars weren't so damn good at using them against the rest of us. This is an angry, angry disunited country that can't even feel success or pride or any real emotion without trying to make it an attack on Liberals, or Obama.

    So maybe I do entertain some hope, although I deny it often and I have begun to believe that any hope is false and possible delusional.

  3. I'm glad someone is able to monitor those moronic and hateful conservative sites and/or listen to the nausea spewed by Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and the others... because I simply can't stomach it, I really can't.

    Even our local newspaper, now with online versions like all news organizations today, hosts "comment" sections where people cloaked in the security of their anonymity (for the same reason KKK members wear hoods) can spew out the most asinine brain dumps.

    Fortunately our local paper still requires (print) letters to the editor be identified by the writer's true name. Expectedly these too may belie the writer's ignorance, but they are at least civil.

  4. Capt. Fogg,

    I’m the simplest of the simple lizards, but here are a few things to be hopeful about:

    1. Catching up with bin Laden was a “gut check” kind of thing, and Obama passed. Millions of people are probably going to go into the voting booth and say, “Oh what the hell – this guy deserves a second term.” In the absence of some catastrophe badly handled, or the complete collapse of the economy, Obama wins.

    2. The GOP field for the presidential nomination looks like a circus. Okay, the Mittster is a serious candidate with nary a hair out of place, and so is the ever-uncharismatic Tim Pawlenty, and probably the enigmatic Mr. Huntsman, but just look at the remainder lining up for a run. To me, that indicates that there’s no clear standard-bearer. There’s no Reagan-like candidate waiting to make his case, just a bunch of wannabes. And the establishment types aren’t exciting to the GOP base. Loooozzzzing!

    3. The House GOP voted to turn Medicare into a voucher system even though no such bill had any possibility of becoming law. Thanks, GOP! The Democrats may be doubleplus ungood at campaigning, but even they realize the gift they’ve just been given, and they’re going to ride it all the way to Nov. 2012. This dinosaur predicted it long ago: the Republicans’ behavior upon gaining control of just one part of one branch of government was so preposterously hubristic that it looked like something straight out of a Ben Jonson comedy of humours. They just can’t help themselves. Give them one half of Congress, and they immediately begin casting widows, orphans and elementary-school teachers into snowbanks, and of course they’re stunned to find out that the majority of the public finds their conduct abhorrent.

  5. I've long been of the opinion that Hobbes is correct as to the natural state of humankind. Pretty depressing and the formation of governments hasn't really done that much to keep in check the ills that arise from that natural state.

    I was surprised to find myself in agreement with Senator Paul, but I also believe that the Patriot Act is a constitutional outrage. The warrantless surveillance powers of the Patriot Act are a blatant violation of the 4th amendment. I think that the American people did not loudly protest the passage of the Patriot Act because we were cowed with fear after 9/11. I think that our elected officials took advantage of that fear, recognizing that we were willing to sacrifice our liberties for the illusion of safety. Shame on them all and shame on those who again have supported some of the most constitutionally egregious provisions of the Patriot Act, including President Obama who signed the legislation to extend those provisions otherwise set to expire. Clearly, Obama pays no attention to my emails.

    The thing is, in spite of my disagreement with the President on the Patriot Act and the assassination of bin Laden, I don't think that he has committed any impeachable offenses. Unlike the rabid posters who express their hatred of Obama, I don't hate him, and I'm willing to conceded that I'm not privy to all the factors that he has before him for consideration in making decisions about major issues such as signing off on the renewal of the Patriot Act provisions. I also fully concede that if he had refused to sign the extension bill that it may have made no difference as there would likely be sufficient votes to override the veto.

    I think that there is plenty of room for criticism of the President and his administration but I share the Captain's dismay at the hostility, anger and demented attacks from those who are way too invested in staying in touch with their natural state.

  6. Dino,

    "they’re stunned to find out that the majority of the public finds their conduct abhorrent. "

    They do live in a bubble, but the majority is so ill informed and misinformed and incoherently angry -- I'm not sure what goes on in their heads.


    Yes, really, the insanity gets in the way of constructive criticism and every president needs criticism. It's our job as citizens. But I'm more than half convinced that what we're looking at is that traditional American family value of racism.


    That's very true about anonymity being a cloak hiding the identity but allowing the ugliness to shine through. Ever notice how people with blacked out windows drive?

    But no, I don't really read these things regularly. Occasional glimpses are all I can stand.


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