Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Best Information to Come Out of Sarah Palins Emails...

is the fact that Palin ALWAYS depends on a teleprompter even when she's on her friendly FAUX NOOZ show and especially when she's asked pre-screened questions. Palin made much snark out of the fact that Mr. Obama uses a teleprompter, and her followers thought she was massively cute and incisive by making fun of the president. But like all hypocrites, Palin mocked while doing EXACTLY the same thing.

The only time we can be sure Palin is NOT using a teleprompter is when she reveals herself in the mangling of the English language and American history. When that happens, we're looking into the heart of Palin's darkest and most sincere ignorance.

All modern presidents use and have used the teleprompter--even St. Ronnie, The Great Communicator. Why Palin, who also used the teleprompter when she was governor, felt she needed to denigrate Mr. Obama for doing what she routinely did, is not a mystery. As surely as patriotic family vacations require national bus tours and media attention, mean-spirited and petty people like Palin try to mask their own inadequacies and short-comings by ridiculing those who are their betters, using lies and misrepresentation to shore up their small-minded deceptions.

Except now we know that Palin was all moose and no antlers when she made fun of Mr. Obama's teleprompter use.

The rest of Palin's emails seem to be, like her, unexceptionally mundane and boring.

"Gotcha: Sarah Palin’s Emails Confirm She Needs Teleprompter For Interviews

And now, for a little...levity in the Palin email saga after the dark seriousness of the earlier revelations regarding Palin’s use of these emails to intimidate critics: It’s always nice to have confirmation in writing from the source. As I’ve been explaining for the last year, Palin uses Teleprompters in interviews and as a “contributor” on Fox News. This isn’t a terrible sin, but since she bashes Obama for it every chance she gets, this is just one more example of Palin’s values failure (of which there are too many to enumerate here).

The worst part about Palin’s use of Teleprompters, though, is that she doesn’t even draft her own answers. Everything you hear her say is scripted. The only time she’s unscripted, we get “Paul Revere warning the British” and the Bush Bailout “so important for the healthcare” type answers."


  1. The only way Mrs P ever "appears" to be what she wants to be is if all people watching do not think or question obvious clues to the lie. - Charlene

  2. I'm old enough to recall when "Ronnie" occasionally went off-prompter; forgetting he was not a statesman, only acting like one, his handlers would jump in and catch him before he went too far off script.

  3. The whole teleprompter thing is a common right-wing talking point in the same spirit as Mr. Trump's vague allusions to the President's poor academic performance -- it's thinly veiled racism. President Obama is one of the best orators we've had in awhile -- and he is closely involved with the writing of his own speeches. His detractors have learned better than to say he "sounds white" or even "he's so well-spoken" so they need to find a way to imply that he isn't really that good, and that the teleprompter is something like Affirmative Action, rather than a common tool used by almost every public speaker or television personality.

  4. I find Sister Sarah's demeanor to be remarkably similar to that of a mean middle-school girl. How interesting to hear that she, too, uses the dreaded teleprompter.

    I agree with godlizard that the "teleprompter" meme is racist garbage. They've tried desperately to cast this elegant, Ivy-League-schooled Af-Am president as slow-witted and incapable to suit their vile racist presuppositions, and they always end up looking REALLY stupid and small when they do it. The only contemporary rhetorician I think outdoes Obama is Bill Clinton, but Clinton is one of a kind in that regard -- truly remarkable for his presence of mind and poise. President Obama comes across as thoughtful and concerned to get it right when he speaks. Republican hacks seem to prefer pre-school-level idiocies spoken with great conviction and a topping of sneer. They learned everything they need to know in Kindergarten, so of course they can't appreciate anyone with a subtle mind.


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