Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Damned if you don't

Even in the mean, scummy world of American presidential campaigns, there are few examples of behavior more scurrilous than the personal attacks on Barack Obama and his wife and children. Central to the defamation were the attacks on his religion, descriptions of which which ranged from radical Christian anti-white crusades to militant, anti-Christian Islam. Of course these attacks are ongoing and virulent even while such a potential candidate as Mitt Romney is feigning shock and dismay at what seems to be a largely non-existent attack against him and his Mormon affiliations.

In a lurid article at Politico, titled Obama Plan: destroy Romney, Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin try to convince us that the Obama campaign staff is planning unconscionable and personal attacks on Romney's religion and character.

Shocking, I know. That sort of thing never happens in America and Republican campaigns never, ever fabricate stories about the war records or terrorist affiliations or high crimes or foreign influences or membership in weird religious cults or even the citizenship of their opponents.

None the less, there was an anonymous source or two we must trust as well as we trust the journalistic integrity of Politico. It's just political reality, says the article. He can't campaign on accomplishments so he has to get dirty and therefore he's already dirty. Seems logical even if it isn't actually the truth, much less fair or balanced reporting.
"And so the candidate who ran on “hope” in 2008 has little choice four years later but to run a slashing, personal campaign aimed at disqualifying his likeliest opponent."

No, he has little choice so he's already guilty of what we predict he will do: he'll be as bad as we Republicans. Those dirty Democrats want to go after Romney's poor record of getting rich while eliminating jobs as CEO of Bain Capital, for instance. They'd like to portray him as "weird" and personally awkward, and even stiff, perhaps like John Kerry was said to be by his GOP opponents. That's slashing for ya! And what about 'Romneycare' in Massachusetts?

Weird. It's a word used often by Obama campaign headquarters we're told. " there’s not a lot to like about Mitt Romney,” said Pete Giangreco who worked on Obama's 2008 campaign;
“There’s no way to hide this guy and hide his innate phoniness.”

Calling a candidate a phony just for being against what he used to be for? I mean how far below the belt will they punch? An "unidentified" source even suggested that Romney's personal awkwardness might turn off some voters -- outrageous!

"In a move that will make some Democrats shudder, Obama’s high command has even studied former President George W. Bush’s 2004 takedown of Sen. John Kerry."
says Politico. I admit - I'm shuddering, but with laughter.

Of course the Romneyites are already calling Obama "disgraceful" for doing what he hasn't done but they predict he will do since they've backed him into a corner -- and their outrage is justifiable. What could be worse, from a Republican perspective, than Democrats doing what Republicans did? And not actually having done it is no excuse! What could be worse than interrupting the personal attack on Obama with an attack on Romney, even if the personal attack on Romney as a "weird" Mormon is a fabrication?

But perhaps here's the grounds for impeachment they've been looking for since the day the oath of office was administered (improperly, they say.) Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) told a Tea Party rally that impeachment "needs to happen" but when asked for the grounds, he had to dissemble since bribery, treason and such things are hard to substantiate in the absence of guilt. Hey, use your imagination, Mike. Just predict he will!


  1. Yes, that Mr. Obama hasn't yet done something is no reason not to blame him for always already having done it. Toujours déjà, immer wieder and all that sort of thing.

    Of course, the re-election campaign would be well advised not to savage the Mittster for his Mormonism. Negative stuff often works, but its efficacy depends on who you're peddling it against: a lot of people don't like Romney, but they don't hate him with an exceeding great hatred, either. He's too bland for such intensity.

    So what's the likely strategery for Obama/Biden Twenty Twelve?

    1. Nobody buys the "I heart right-wingnuts" gestures of the Romney campaign, so bashing him for extremism has little appeal or credibility. Romney is a moderate Republican.

    2. It would be hypocritical and stupid for our first bi-racial president to put down somebody else for "otherness." That isn't going to happen.

    3. What does excluding the first two things leave? It leaves pointing out that Romney will say anything you want him to say: he thought RomneyCare was just fine in his home state, but when Obama repeated the gesture on the national level, that was no good anymore.

    Frankly, just repeat the word "ObamneyCare" ten times a day, and you've got the phoniness issue covered. Like Cal Worthington the Ford dealer (whose ads all Southern Californians of a certain age will remember), Mitt "will stand upon his head, till his ears are turnin' red" to make the sale, and the pitch usually comes off as false. To be fair, bluebloods have it bad in this regard: the sweaty middling lot want their Caesar to be a Man of the People, but then they hoot with derision when he grimaces in the attempt to quaff a stale beer with them or faints at the smack of their stinking breath.

    The other thing that comes to mind is Governor Romney's business background, the one to which Capt. Fogg's hyperlink alludes. A lot of Romney's money apparently comes from the same species of capitalist practices that have taken the country to the brink of disaster: snap up a company, fire many of the workers, and ye shall have a great reward from Mammon. That's a defensible interpretation of the kind of capitalism he has practiced. President Obama's criticism of this practice is somewhat blunted by the fact that he has undeniably not acted consistently as an economic populist. Still, it's fair criticism.

    Finally – I'll keep this general since it sounds unkind -- I've long felt that people of the sort we're discussing strive to take up high office not because there's anything they really want to do for others, or even necessarily because they covet the fruits of power; no, I suspect that what impels such folk is more like the blind instinctual drive that makes salmon swim upstream to propagate their kind and die, exhausted, in the shallows. I doubt that they ever really question why they're doing it.

    Maybe that's true of all presidential candidates. I don't know – how many people (qualified or otherwise) see a future president every time they look in the mirror, anyway? But it seems even more true of wealthy scions: "Baby, you're a rich man, baby you're a rich man, baby you're a rich man, too" as the Beatles song goes – and running for president is just what one does at a certain stage of life. "Just because" isn't a very compelling reason to become President of the United States.

  2. I can't understand blind ambition either. It's like working overtime to make that 4th billion, but that's all life is about for some people, but how many real populists have that kind or that much ambition?

    I'm not particularly worried about the Obama Campaign making an issue of his religion, although it would only be fair. There's more of Mammon than Mormon in Mitt however.

    I'm waiting to see just how they continue the "Obamacare" crusade when Romney climbs onto the elephant's back.


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