Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The price of propaganda

OK, let's be real.

What is the effect of years of anti-Muslim bigotry being spewed, screaming about "sharia law is taking over!" and "they won't stop until every Christian is dead!" and every other ignorant statement puked up by Pam Geller and her ilk?

A blond Norwegian Christian kills other Norwegian non-Muslims on the theory that he was fighting a war against the encroachment of Islam.

But that was an easy one, right?

OK, then. What is the effect of years of people shouting "baby killer!" and "abortion is murder!" and trying to defund or destroy Planned Parenthood at every opportunity?

Some toothless inbreeder tries to firebomb a Planned Parenthood clinic, apparently not aware that diesel fuel is a terrible accelerant, as it does not explode and has a flashpoint of 143°F. Which is why he caused minimal damage.

Oh, and diesel is currently more expensive than gasoline.

Oh, and one more thing: that particular Planned Parenthood clinic didn't perform abortions!

One wonders how humanity manages to survive, when they seem to be racing headlong back toward the feces-flinging stage.


  1. It's a reminder to us all that for our species, progress doesn't necessarily advance in a linear direction. We've entered a regressive stage, led by "Morans." Let's hope they make a clean sweep of the Darwin Awards.

  2. "regressive stage" Or a new dark ages, depending on your degree of gothic pessimism.

    It is what it is and we're not what we were and never will again be; just a fading and bitter empire clinging to its weapons and sacrificing its children to its primitive gods.

    Time to learn Chines, hao, bu hau?

  3. Well, I can add that the species in question also seems to be moving downwards in its literacy level. Mayhap I have nothing better to do today, but I've been running across some real howlers, and howlers not written by lowly commenters but by columnists and journalists. You know, stuff like (paraphrase), "It's hard to see how they will fair under the new agreement" and "In these two photographs, actress X appears in her duel role."

    You can add to that an almost universal failure to use prepositions appropriately. Any preposition will do these days, no matter the phrase and even when the writer is obviously a native speaker of English.

    "What is it on writers these days? Their driving me crazy with they're atroshus grammer and stile! Its not fare! Its definatly all to much!"


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