Monday, September 19, 2011

A tale told by an idiot

Has Andrew Breitbart blown a fuse? He seems to be saying just that: raving strangely about shooting people and being under attack from "liberals." Perhaps that's true since like most of that rabble without a cause calling themselves conservative these days, a liberal is anyone you disagree with and if these dull witted bastards agree with anyone, it's with other ignorant, deluded and dull witted bastards.
" There are times when I’m not thinking as clearly as I should, and in those unclear moments, I always think to myself, ‘Fire the first shot. Bring it on.’ Because I know who’s on our side"

he said to a group of people on his side of the border of sanity, or at least those capable of listening to this without calling 911.
"We outnumber them in this country and we have the guns… I’m not kidding. They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they’re dealing with. "

Perhaps he's not kidding, but sorry, the"we" he's talking about really don't have the numbers and although I hesitate to tell him, they aren't the only ones with guns. The rest of us just don't wave them around and threaten other people with them so that we can get our way.

So what line are you talking about Andy? what line won't I cross to defend my country, the truth, democracy and common decency? I'm afraid I know exactly what I'm dealing with and I'm not impressed.

But still, a threat of violence is a threat of violence and I think it's worth noting that when the frustration involved in transporting the United States back to it's darkest years of poverty and exploitation gets to these people, when they find themselves confident in talking to people of like mind, the true colors come out -- and so do the guns.

Andrew Breitbart isn't a conservative. Conservatives don't dream about, talk about and apparently advocate starting violent revolutions, by definition, nor do most sane people under circumstances as we have today. Andrew Breitbart doesn't believe in Democracy, because although revolution may speak from the muzzle of a gun, Democracy does not, nor does it suppress votes, buy votes and base political power on firepower, threats or buying power.

I mean what the hell is he so desperate about? He's got money, our federal taxes are the lowest in his lifetime and it certainly wasn't witches or demons or Liberals who started a war and refused to pay for it or, as Republicans nearly always do, escalated the debt beyond all reason. What content can anyone find in his barking and hissing"? What can he explain other than to drone on and on about how Liberals are that and ConSERVatives are this like a deranged dog chasing his tail. Argument by diktat, argument by amplitude, argument by lying, shifting his terms around like some street hustler with walnut shells.

Like most of these brats and hooligans and barroom bullies, all he wants is power: the kind of power that stems from divine right, hatred and the wealth of Hades. The kind he has no qualification to hold and no following to elect him to. So sure Andy, your friends have guns and that's the only way sad, depressing losers like you and them can get noticed: hate shouting, gun waving, witch hunting and all the rest of the bellicose bullshit you try to pass of as a cause. So sure, bring it on, show everyone what kind of spoiled, petulant and democracy-hating bolshevik brat you are. I'm waiting.

Come out shooting and see how far the "liberals" let you get before you and the whole camo-clad, rebel yell shouting vermin get what you deserve.


  1. Capt. Fogg,

    They're irrational idiots and blowhards. Just look at the Right's childish whining about the president's request that the wealthy should pay at least as high a percentage of their income in taxes as the poor and middling orders. They call it "class warfare." What they always mean by that phrase is simply any assertion that there are socio-economic classes in America. Even to suggest this is communism, according to these lying, dishonorable, juvenile, anti-American trash-sacks. They've had it their way for so long now that the mere thought of their base being asked to contribute ANYTHING is intolerable to them. No, let's just make the effective tax rate for the poor 100% and eliminate ALL social programs. But that won't be class warfare, it will be simple justice, ja? Cast widows and orphans into snowbanks and do it with a sadistic grin. They deserve it, no doubt about it. Who told them not to be born rich, anyhow?

  2. "They're irrational idiots and blowhards."

    Sums it up, I think. It's interesting that a huge majority of Americans support a higher marginal tax rate, about 76% agree with the President's proposal acording to, but with all the hoo-ha in the press, I think a newly arrived martian might think the reverse is true.

    Actually, I'm quite pleased that these people are abandoning the sheep's clothing -- it just may be that the public will finally notice those big, yellow teeth. I was delighted to hear some Teashevic announce the other day that Boehner was a Commie. Can one get further to the right without having to admit the Earth isn't flat?

  3. Again, I blame the media for giving these cranks a public platform to legitimize themselves and spout their bullshit to a mass audience. How can we hold public officials accountable when we can longer hold our media accountable? Less than a generation ago, talk like that would have been dismissed as dangerous and marginalized to the far fringes. No longer.

    But if the assholes want to bring it on, at this point I am itching for a fight. Yes, an Octopus is well armed. I can wield eight guns blazing at one time, a veritable Gatling of pent up rage.

    It is not guns, however, that concern me. In the 34 states where Tea Thugs have taken over state legislatures, the proto-fascists are busy at work trying to rig elections. Suppression of voting rights, gerrymandering of elections districts, changes in the electoral college. They intend to win by any means ... no matter how nakedly fraudulent.

    So if these pond scum threaten violence in addition to fraud and oppression, and if war is what they want, then war is what they'll get. London-style street riots are coming to America. Bring it on, I say! I'm itching for a fight.

  4. Capt. Fogg,

    Well, I agree, but my tea-neighbor across the watering hole, Baggasaurus Tex, insists that Speaker Boehner IS, without a doubt, a weepy left-wing commie pinko. I mean, says Baggasaurus, the Speaker actually talks to Obama and has even allowed himself to appear in photographs in the man's presence. No red-blooded capitalist American would do such things! Impeach O'Bummer NOW! (We'll figure out a reason later....)


    The attempts you mention are perhaps the most dangerous things on the horizon -- rigging the national elections would completely undermine any remaining confidence in the viability of the republic. If they legally "steal" an election by such means and get away with it, it's all over and we might as well start handing out the black uniforms with red armbands now. Even the damaged facade of constitutionalism we now have will crumble into dusty disbelief.

  5. I have to make small talk with Obama haters almost all the time and I'm convinced that even the most rabid really don't have a reason that has anything to do with reason. They toss that football of hate around like guys talk about sports at the barber shop, trying to look macho.

    Macho poseurs like Brightbart and Bush talk tough because they're cowards and they're the first to walk away if anything real starts - and as you say, they'll think of a reason later and call it principle.


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