Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thanks Rick

I didn't listen to the President's speech Thursday night, partly because I had a meeting to attend and partly because I've ceased caring. Of course not listening to the president's ideas about reviving the economy by putting people to work seems to a matter of pride in this part of the swamp and one squints when asked "didja listen to to President?" with that certain tone. The proper answer is of course, "hell no!" Why should I care about a country wherein this sort of idiocy is called "patriotism?"

Of course I didn't listen to Rick Scott, our Governor/Medicare Fraudmeister either -- hell no. I save such things for later and I prefer to read that kind of news rather than to be waterboarded with it. That way I can take a deep breath when I read that before the speech, he snarked that there wouldn't be anything for Florida in it and my TV was safe from having my foot through the screen when I read that it's likely he'll turn down 7.5 Billion allocated to improve and upgrade our infrastructure. That's money that would employ a lot of people who would spend their income in Florida and make Florida more attractive and accessible to the tourists upon whom our economy depends.

It wouldn't be the first time Ricky has turned away an opportunity. He refused to accept 2 billion to build a high speed rail line - you know the kind of thing other countries we feel superior to have. The kind of thing that, once again, would boost tourism and tax dollars. Oops - I used the magic word tax and Rick doesn't like taxes. Of course he doesn't like employment and he doesn't like the President and isn't about to let him do anything about employment because the only way to get out of a recession is to make sure the state doesn't take in a dime and to fire so many employees and cancel so many necessary projects that hardly anyone has enough income to require them to pay any taxes.

And then you cut costs more which puts more people out of work which means they spend less and so less gets made and companies go out of business and fire more people so there are still fewer with any money to buy anything -- and by and by everything gets better. Don't get it? you must be a liberal, or so the Teabrains tell me and I'd rather argue with a toadstool than with the kind of fungi and pond scum that make up that seething ferment. I mean, who can afford to care any more?


  1. Every Republican governor has turned down the money for high-speed rail - it's "public" transportation, for god sake! You know, "public" is just a Liberal term for "Socialism". Why would they care how someone else gets from point A to point B if it's not in a cheffeur-driven limousine?

  2. Captain,
    The problem with Octopus is that he can't stand bullies and will never accept defeat. The cephalopod may be a diminutive creature, but trust me: He can be larger than life.

    I hope you will keep throwing those 100 megaton verbal bombs, the ones for which you famous and infamous. For my part, I intend to spend my End-of-Years as I spent my college years … as a saboteur in the anti-fascist Underground.

    My only regret: Too bad those verbal bombs are not REAL bombs. I’d throw them like candy.

  3. They can get away with telling us that to be like other countries would be the end of everything because so few Americans have been anywhere. Trust me, life in other places isn't so bad and I'd rather ride the TGV than a limo - especially with a French driver.

    Forgive the Sunday morning simile, if you will, but we've become like the old man in the old house down the road that is falling apart and whose owner won't let anyone in and takes potshots at anyone passing by. Rusted car on the weed eaten lawn and half choked by vines and convinced that everyone is out to steal everything.

  4. Capt. Fogg,

    Sounds like Floridians have got themselfs there a guv'nuh who doesn't like guv'ment, period. At least not when it's actually trying to help anybody. I've long said that the present GOP formula is "no government available to help when you need it, maximum interference in your personal affairs whether you ask for it or not." Perfect: an uncaring Nanny State, or perhaps a hostile Daddy State!

    I like the image of "the old man in the house...." Maybe we should just go ahead and make our national motto, "Git off my lawn!"

  5. Where did that trope come from? Every time I express disapproval of anything people seem to snicker about lawns and kids. I don't get it. The only time I ever shooed anyone off my property, there were a dozen of them, some carrying baseball bats.


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