Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. ~~ Aesop.

Well, Chris Christie announced that he would not run for president, probably because he didn't want to spend a year taking hits from the right (saying he was a leftist elitist, and probably a closet Muslim), and the left (pointing out things like the fact that he was a known bully who, when he was working as a lobbyist for Bernie Madoff, got securities fraud exempted from New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act).

And, really, who wants to hear the phrase "morbidly obese" every day?

Sarah Palin, seeing someone else in the limelight, tried to upstage him, saying that she wasn't running either, but since only a handful of drooling nose-pickers still thought she might, she didn't garner nearly as much press as she felt she deserved. So, what does that leave us?

I have never seen a more stubbornly ignorant collection of elitist, pandering fuckknuckles than the current crop of GOP candidates; they’re a glittering panoply of thieves, liars, theocrats and delusional morons.

I mean, let’s take a quick look at these mean-spirited, misanthropic gasbags who believe, somewhere at the root of their overwhelmingly swollen egos, that they could lead this country to greatness by following the noble example of George W. Bush.

And, to be fair about it (because I’m the epitome of fairness, after all), let’s go alphabetically.

Michele Bachmann: This is a woman who is either certifiably insane, or she is openly trying to attract the paranoid constituency to her state, because she believes that there are enough of them to elect her to office.

(Technically, this idea isn't quite as idiotic as it sounds: after all, there are enough mouthbreathers in Minnesota’s 6th congressional district to get her reelected twice. This could, of course, easily be attributed to a genetic aberration. Minnesota's winters are hard; and sometimes you just can't get to town for your twenty-dollar whore, but your sister is right there in the next room.)

Her torch has dimmed a bit, because she has been saying openly ignorant and insane things for far too long. The American populace is beginning to notice that it isn’t a playful glint in her eyes, but the cold hard gleam of madness.

Herman Cain: You can’t say that Herman Cain is a complete idiot, but he is somewhat deluded about his personal magnetism. An idiot couldn't have come from the streets of Memphis, Tennessee (the son of a chauffeur and a cleaning woman) and become the CEO of a national pizza chain, with a personal net worth just south of five million dollars. So I'll cheerfully admit that the man has business acumen.

Americans have a tendency to canonize self-made millionaires, but this odd strain of hero-worship doesn't extend quite far enough to push Herman Cain into the White House. Cain has failed to notice the deep-seated racism in certain parts of the Republican Party, which makes him an unlikely choice to become Commander-in-Chief. There are too many members of the GOP who just cannot force themselves to vote for a black man, even if they’re offered a free order of Cheesy Bread to go with it.

I would suggest that Cain suffered brain damage from a very small stroke, which is not only manifesting as this gaping blind spot, but in the form of some significant tone-deafness. The man actually went on CNN’s The Situation Room and said:
Many African American voters “have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view... I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. It’s just brainwashing and people not being open-minded, pure and simple.”
“Hey, black people! You’re gullible and easily led! So vote for me!”

That’s why Hermie is trying to push the “Rick Perry hates black people!” meme. He’s got nothing else. He’s a one-trick pony, just like Michael Steele: “Look at me! I’m a black republican!” (You know, Herm, Steele got fired for being too black... it’s an ugly road you’re travelling, dude. Good luck with that.)

Newt Gingrich: Good old Newtie. Why does this man think he can be elected? (Oh, right. He thinks he’s the center of the stinking universe. Don't mess with Gingrich: he shut down the entire government once because they asked him to move to the back of Air Force One.)

The man's entire campaign staff deserted this sinking ship - you'd think he'd take the hint. (Hell, half of Bachmann's ran away, too, but you expect her not to notice...)

I’ve dealt with this fucker before. Do I need to bother with him again?

Jon Huntsman: Huntsman is quite possibly the most sane of all the possible Republican candidates. Which makes him the odds-on favorite to be unemployed on January 21, 2013: for the same reason that a few scattered racists make Herman Cain less electable, Huntsman is going to have a problem with the Republican base. They can't accept those pesky sciencey things like global warming and evolution, and the fact that he does? Well, that just makes him a little suspicious, doesn't it?

Of course, as it turns out, Huntsman's status as the only candidate who isn’t actively trying to get his head wedged up Donald Trump’s ass might actually turn out to be a better idea than you’d think: it seems that Trump's endorsement actually harms a politician in the polls.

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson: (Felt I should throw the his former job in there for two reasons. First, even if you’d ever heard of the man, it’s likely that you’ve forgotten. And two, I live in that particular state.)

The thing that's most likely to sink him is going to be that pro-gay marriage/pro-abortion stance of his. Johnson and Ron Paul will split the legalize-marijuana crowd (or possibly just pass them back and forth), but Johnson’s plan to "reform" (read "gut") Social Security and repeal healthcare reform will keep him from attracting too many independent voters who might be attracted to his vaguely human qualities.

Ron Paul: I’d say he’s huge, but, to be honest, he’s tiny. Apparently 5’9” tall (and potentially bulletproof). Most of the world admits that the man is unelectable, but Ron Paul isn't the kind of guy to back down from a challenge!

We call that a "Napoleon complex."

His biggest (heh) problem is that his followers are rabid, but there really aren't enough of them to get him into a higher office than the one he currently possesses. (Which is sad, because he might actually get my son out of Afghanistan, but there it is...)

Ron Paul seems to be a smart man - one of the few signs that there might actually be a glimmer of intelligence that hasn’t been extinguished in the Lone Star state. Which isn’t to say that he wouldn’t totally destroy the economy with his libertarian idiocy: I’m just trying to be objective, here.

Because that's me: fair, balanced, unbiased.

Rick Perry: Little Ricky is a crazed redneck weasel on meth; he's George W. Bush to the fourth power. The gleam of insanity deep in his eyes doesn't seem as bright as Bachmann's, but that's only because it gets dimmed by the clouds of abject stupidity swirling around in that great hollow area.

There is nothing good about Rick Perry - the more you learn about him, the less you like. He's a vicious theocrat with a tendency toward cronyism

And potentially a sex addict.

Mitt Romney: I've got to say, Mittens is nothing if not predictable. The man is whatever you want him to be. What is electable tomorrow? Vegetation? Then he's a cucumber. Porn stars? He'll rock that Viagra until it screams. He is what you want. No matter what you want.

No, really, it doesn't matter what you want. He doesn't care. Do you want a pro-choice pedophile? He'll yank the fetus out with his bare hands and start fucking it right in front of the camera if he thinks that'll play well in Hoboken.

Mittens literally doesn't care. He has no position that doesn't have a 20-page report from a focus group telling him that people like it. If White Supremacy began testing well with target audiences, he'd grab his pillowcases and start cutting eye-holes before the test results were out of the printer.

Mittens doesn't care that Mormonism is considered a cult by many of the Christian groups. Hell, if the focus groups tell him that Catholicism is on the rise, he'll be sucking off the pope by morning.

Rick "Frothy" Santorum: (speaking of sucking off the pope) It's hard to tell which is the bigger train wreck: Rick Santorum's campaign, or the simpering, shambling shell of a man himself. As one Salon editor put it, he is "the only one of the candidates to participate in all of the GOP debates and still not show any life. He’s at 2 percent in the ABC/Washington Post survey, almost exactly where he was last month and the month before that."

All Obama has to do between now and the election is improve his unemployment statistics, and he won’t even need to campaign. That’s why the congressional GOP is doing everything they can to kick the snot out of the American Jobs Plan.

The president needs to put away his “Let’s Compromise” checklist, and pick up the “You’re Destroying America” stick. Because the only way he’s not going to keep his job, is if the Republican Party can keep more people from getting one.


  1. A very fair and balanced appraisal of a very sorry lot, in my opinion, and an entertaining read too.

  2. Nameless,

    It's good to hear a fellow "lib" who thinks Obama might not have too difficult a time -- and you're right, the hopelessly pathetic field he's up against is his best hope.

    The Mittster is indeed remarkable -- Proteus has nothing over him. I think I said in a previous post that guys like him want to become president for the same reason that salmon swim upstream towards the end of their days -- because it's the logical next line on their resumes, of course. I was watching some clips of Romney through the years, and it was impressive -- all they need to do is put together a Hollywood-style short of him convincing Massachusetts voters just how much more liberal he is than anybody else in the field, keep playing it until the country can't stand it anymore, and that should finish him off. Repetition is the mother of unemployment, in his case.

    Can't figure Huntsman out -- I think he might be an Eisenhower-era Republican who just stepped out of a time machine only to be confronted with a horde of muttering, howling, snarling Undead Teabaggers.

  3. Shaw,

    Yes, the voter suppression efforts may just be the most fascist-tending, destabilizing thing done by a party that was already doing much to destabilize our democratic institutions. On the one hand, these suppression campaigns are an act of utter desperation: they know they can't win honestly, or they wouldn't need to do this. On the other, if they succeed, their "victory" will be absolutely, openly illegitimate and nobody will put any stock in American elections anymore. A republic is unsustainable under such conditions.

  4. Shaw,
    I followed your link and read the article. Most shocking of all were the comments - as if the Freepers had come out in force to overwhelm the comment thread with bogus claims and hateful propaganda.

    These days, anyone can say anything, no matter how outrageous, and get away with it. Like ... Rick Santorum is actually a nematode dressed in drag and parading as a human being.

    There oughta be a law ... "2, 4, 6, 8 SUBSTANTIATE or shut the fuck up."

    Voter suppression worries me, and Bloggingdino is absolutely right. It's a democracy killer, and the Republicans have turned themselves into a fascist party.

  5. Um, 5'9" is tiny? Everyone knows that 5' 8" is the ideal height for a male. The brain gets starved for oxygen at any greater height and that makes for delusional politics.

    Napoleon was 5' 6 1/2 and weighed 172, which was average for his time, but a bit chubby, his flattering portraits notwithstanding. That's still nearly the average for males in much of the world and our fetish for tallness says more about our American racism than about human variation and personality.

    Far too much is made of this silly height thing, or at least since the Freudians convinced us that everyone else is insane and the insidious conspiracy of tall people to take over the world needs to be exposed. this is the real peril, the tall peril, the curse of insidious heightism and everything else is a smokescreen. Gandhi was a little dude as you'll remember. George Bush was tall. I rest my case, or at least I would if we weren't in such danger of a Alto-Facsist take-over.

    Blaming Bonaparte's imperialism on his stature, would be like blaming American colonialism on Andrew Jackson being 6' 1": confusing and meaningless. In truth, Jackson deported the indigenous people because they were shorter and in order to make the US the land of the tall. Few people know this.

    And besides Napoleon actually did win most of his battles, most of the time. Ron Paul will end his days as a Representative from the rebellious Mexican territory that never should have been part of the US. We allowed them into the Union only because they were taller than Santa Ana's men - another victory for the tall.

    If we want to know who the GOP contender will be, we need only to get out the ruler. The taller guy always gets the votes which proves my point. Doesn't it?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The Captain is right.

    Shorter, survives on less food, lives in smaller spaces, far more energy efficient, and easier to hide ... the future belongs to us!

  8. Tipping the scales at 3,000 lbs and challenging the longest ruler at around 40ft in length (very long tail included), I would do best to maintain a dignified silence on the height issue.

  9. Dino,
    Not to worry. When the time comes to seek the safety of faraway shores, we are building a barge for you and a camouflage tent and taking you with us!

  10. Octo,

    It's good to know there's room somewhere for a tiny-brained lizard with very large teeth.

  11. What? What?!?

    Octo, Fogg, could you two speak up down there? It's hard to hear you when you're mumbling.

  12. Captain,
    We have two options ...
    1 - You yell in one ear, I yell in the other
    2 - We have a really, really big dinosaur ...

  13. Well as Tony Montana said, "Say hello to my leetle fren'" and I don't mean Napoleon. See picture.

  14. Captain,
    As your comrade in arms (literally), we may have to accept some teasing. You never know when a fellow sea creature with military experience might come in handy.

  15. A good and funny summation of the current crop of Republican candidates. What a bunch of nincompoops.

  16. Well, if one is to have a comrade in arms, 8 arms is better, right? Kinda like a biological Gattling gun. . .


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