Monday, February 13, 2012

Sex lives of the rich and hypocritical

You might think that a person's sex life should be their own business. On the other hand, if you're like me, you might also think that, since Rick Santorum believes that he has the right to shove the government straight up every woman's vagina, then his own "love" life would be open season. So, just for fun, let's look at some of those pesky things they call "facts."

Fact 1: Rick Santorum married the former Karen Garver in 1990, and they have seven children (eight, if you count pickled Baby Gabriel).

Fact 2: Ricky has publically stated that he is completely opposed to all forms of contraception, and that sex should only be for procreation.

(Sadly, the original publishers,, an evangelical Christian website, got a little cranky that people were taking chunks of their interview and showing what Santorum actually said, usually in context. So they make the usual "copyright infringement" argument every time somebody extracts a bit of it. Ironically, since they hosted it on Youtube, they can't hide it away without losing access themselves. Drag forward to 17:55 for this bit.)
One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea ... Many in the Christian faith have said, "Well, that's okay ... contraception's okay."

It's not okay because it's a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They're supposed to be within marriage, for purposes that are, yes, conjugal ... but also procreative. That's the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. We take any part of that out, we diminish the act. And if you can take one part out that's not for purposes of procreation, that's not one of the reasons, then you diminish this very special bond between men and women, so why can't you take other parts of that out?

And all of a sudden, it becomes deconstructed to the point where it's simply pleasure. And that's certainly a part of it—and it's an important part of it, don't get me wrong—but there's a lot of things we do for pleasure, and this is special, and it needs to be seen as special.
As Ms Santorum is barely out of her 40s, there is no reason to assume that she's gone through menopause, although it's always possible. Adding these facts together, we have to assume that the Santorums did not mate like mad minxes during the nearly six years of her life that Karen has spent pregnant, or for the brief period of any hypothetical menopause which she might or might not have experienced.

Therefore, I think that it's safe to assume that either Rick Santorum is completely hypocritical on the subject of birth control (always possible), or he and his wife have had sex between eight and twelve times total. Approximately once every two years.

You could fantasize that they make it special: a glass of wine, maybe some candles, with her in her most fetching flannel nightgown and him in nothing but a sweater vest.

But I suspect that that the dark deed is most likely performed with a minimum of foreplay, with the lights out, missionary style. I picture Ricky pumping away grimly, trying to finish as quickly as possible, before either of them starts to enjoy it. And when the vile depravity comes to an end, they both roll over and quietly sob themselves to sleep.


  1. We sent our kids to Catholic school for their primary grades and very few families had more than two kids. A couple of us joked privately that there were good Catholics and smart Catholics. I wouldn't have minded another child or two but due to serious health problems that left me handicapped, it wasn't a good idea. Most American Catholic women have (what my priest called) "formed our own conscience" in such matters and do what is expedient for us and our families. Santorum's rhetoric sounds like he never escaped the 50s.

  2. He obviously doesn't speak for the majority of Catholics - American Catholics certainly not, but the fear of and loathing for sex is a kind of dry rot that has been eating at the timbers of Christianity and some other religions almost from the beginning.

    Whether it's because perverts like Santorum like having an excuse for their deviant ideas and a refuge from having to explain why they're secret perverts, or whether religion actually promotes such neurotic fugues, I don't really care. What I do care about is keeping these people away from any sort of power that allows them to promote their own sex problems as "morality" because such perverted religious delusions of omnipotence have been the scourge of liberty since Moses caught the crabs.

    Of course even sicker is the communicable mental illness spread by Republicans that such vermin as offered by that accursed party are preferable to Obama who dares not to accept his ordained role as a black man and pretend not only to be equal to any man, but smarter and better educated than the Rabble on the Right.

  3. I could have gone the whole rest of my life without picturing Sen. Frothymix and his missus making the double-backed beast.


  4. I assume that if they are doing it, or not doing it, whichever the case may be, except in the name of procreation...they both have to be two horn dogs. There is no way he isn't wacking 'ol willie, ala Hustler magazine, out in the wood shed. And I'll give you odds there is a very cylindrically shaped vibrator hidden in a hidey place somewhere in that house.

    Begetting for Jesus...wacking and vibrating for the devil.

  5. I am so tired of the GOP's sick obsession with all matters sexual. Let them shower their twisted sexual control issues on their wives and daughters and leave the rest of us alone.
    Where is the legislation to cut off offending penises and force men to take full responsiblility for the children produced when there are no longer birth control or abortions?
    These newly proposed laws are unconstitutional since they would obstruct and destroy the liberty of a certain segment of our population.
    I would scream right now but I want to save my vocal cords for the protest march.

  6. His wife lived with an abortion doctor for 6 years. She left him to be with Santorum. And, in the year or so before they married, they never had sex? Yeah, right! Frankly, I could care less except that he is constantly preaching his MORALITY to the rest of us as if he has had no sin.

  7. Of course they never had sex -- she remains a virgin to this day! And rifck remains a lying, devious sack of shit.


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