Monday, June 25, 2012

Just a quick note

Did you know that Dana Perino, the former waste-of-a-Presidency's spokesmodel, is now Dana Perino & Co? (Motto: "Working to make the world worse since 2007.") She apparently has made a business out of selling herself to whoever will pay her rates. (This does not make her a whore, by the way - for what she charges, she deserves to be called a "prostitute.")

And she even has a contact form, which I thought was convenient.
Ms Perino,

I happened to see your tweet about "Tomorrow on the menu after SCOTUS: just desserts." I thought I'd mention something.

My sister was downsized by her corporation last year, and was then diagnosed with breast cancer. Without the Affordable Care Act even fully in place yet, the changes already happening in the insurance industry ensured that she received treatment, and that she would not be penalized for her "pre-existing condition" for the rest of her life.

And her situation was only on the fringes of the healthcare law. There are thousands of people whose lives have been saved by the legislation that President Obama put in place.

Am I saying that it makes you a bad person for gloating prematurely over the possibility that the ACA will be struck down? No, I'm not.

I'm saying it makes you a bitch.

Have a good life. Try not to get cancer, you evil, self-centered herpes sore on the face of humanity.
Sometimes, it's kind of nice just to reach out to somebody and say "Hi," you know?


  1. NC, I'm so happy that you reached out and touched Dana Perino.

  2. I suppose this can be said of half the nation as it seems there about is the approximate split.

    That aside Dana is certainly hot.

  3. We've been asked to curtail the use of the B word and actually, I avoid using it now that it reeks of phoniness, but you know, there are times at which it's really the mot juste.

    I think she's ugly, through and through.

  4. "That aside Dana is certainly hot."

    Because in certain areas of our culture, that's all that matters when one evaluates a woman's worth.

    As long as she's "hot," I guess a woman can say and do whatevah. If she's gets your crotch's attention, she's a winnah!

    PS. Hillary Clinton would eat her lunch.

  5. I remember when my Ex-wife was hot. She forgot the sunscreen and got really really burnt. Calamine lotion helped alot and she was OK in just a few days.

  6. Ah yes, Dana -- I never quite got over that business of her supposedly not knowing anything about the Cuban Missile Crisis. How can someone occupy such a high post and not know something like that? Goes without saying that such people have health insurance, so they're free to talk garbage about "just desserts." Yep -- THAT'LL show all those sick people out there who thought they just might get a shot at affordable health care! Who told them to get sick anyway? Stupid Democrats.

  7. Shaw,

    As I said, I think she's about as hot as a dog turd on an August sidewalk, but while it may be true that men are swayed or seduced or subverted by appearance, I have to mention that I can't remember many descriptions of male attractiveness written by females that don't include the word "tall" and I've seen otherwise dignified women fawn disgustingly over famous men.

    We're all flawed creatures. Present company excluded, of course.


    Well she did guess that it had something to do with Cuba and missiles and that's smart enough to back up a smug attitude of superiority in her crowd.

    I mean the Rush Rodents forgave the Limbaustard for thinking Joseph Koney was a Christian hero and he's still in his high post. Sometimes he's quite high indeed!

  8. I agree with what Shaw said.

    1. I agree with what Shaw said as well.

      Dana is, however still hot.

  9. I tend to stay away from "b" words and "c" words because within our circle friends, these words are often regarded as sexist and offensive.

    Nor will I say Dana Purina is hot. What she needs is Ben Gay, but I don't think Ben would be interested in her either.

  10. I'll just say that, from a physical sense, Dana Perino is AWESOMELY hot.

    Sadly, from a mental perspective, she's an ugly, stunted troll with all the attractiveness of a dead cockroach.

    1. Intellectually speaking she is not the brightest bulb in the string.


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