Saturday, July 7, 2012

Republican Logic

Now, remember, children. Here's how it works. This is something you should make fun of.

This is something you should not make fun of. Ever.

Two terms for you to look up: "active sport" and "riding bitch." (Incidentally, don't make fun of their ridiculous, elitist equestrian activities, either. It makes them cranky.)

Are we clear on that now?


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! There...I did it anyway.

  2. What Lawrence O‘Donnell said: Romney reported on his IRS return a $200,000+ business deduction for his wife's dressage therapy. Not a medical deduction (bogus, no doubt) but a business deduction!

    Republican logic is one of SELECTIVE HEARING and COLLECTIVE JEERING.

    Where is that damn IRS audit when we really need it!

    1. Octo, it seems more often than not these days that republican logic is the belief in the lack thereof.

  3. @(O)CT(O)PUS,
    Actually, it looks like that's exactly the discussion that Cynic was having at that last link ("snortphy?")

  4. Jet Skis are in the same category as mosquitoes or dogs that chase cars around here. They generally display reckless disregard for safety - theirs and mine. Most of the fatal boating accidents I read about involve these water vermin.

    So OK, Kerry looked a little like a bourgeois beach-bum prep-school boy on a wind surfer but at least he's driving and at least those things take some real skill, unlike the guy wearing magic underwear beneath his Spiderman bathing suit on a made in Canada Mitt-ski. At least he's got the sense to let his wife drive. Of course he'd be a lying two bit shameless whore even at the helm of a 51 Meter Burger.

    The real joke is a Republican making fun of a Democrat for being an out-of-touch elitist -- at least my boat is made in the USA and unlike the previous GOP candidate, I only own one house and know my address nor does Tiffany give me a credit line of my weight in diamonds.

  5. Octo, it seems to me republican logic is note often than not these days the lack thereof.

  6. RN,
    The lack of what? The lack of an honest IRS filing? A Swiss bank account? An Etch-A-Sketch that runneth over? Hells bells, $mitt Rmoney's horse deduction alone is more than the median wage.

    Where I come from seahorses don't dressage, dress up, or dress down. They're decent, humble little creatures ... unlike Republicans.

    1. (O)CT(O)PUS: It is simple, republicans in this age of hyper partisanship have demonstrated that their logic is indeed not logical at all.

      I have no problem with wealth, although I am not wealthy being middle class, but I do have a problem with hypocrisy and the ridiculous tax exemptions and deductions the US Tax code allows.

      I am for a modified and simplified three tier (essentially flat within each bracket) tax without exemptions or deductions. With respect to business legitimate business expense would be deductible.

      Legitimate business expenses would be well defined.

      As to dressage, other than ludicrous I don't know what to say...

    2. "... legitimate business expense would be deductible."

      Just to make sure we are on the same page, crustaceans are a legitimate business expense !!!

    3. I just don't understand why you don't get this. One of these activities consumes oil, and therefore contributes income to the job creators who will immediately spend that money by hiring a poor person at minimum wage to dig the pit for their car elevator. The other activity uses power provided by God, and therefore represents a Communist encroachment on the freedom of the Catholic Church.

      I hope I have clarified this for you.

  7. The right has embraced the 'poor little rich boy' for THIS election, while making fun of the one who was allegedly running in 2004. Allegedly, because, let's face it, Kerry's money was not his, it was hers. Sure he had a great address and great toys, but how much of that was provided by the Heinz heiress? He was not raised with a silver spoon.

    And his 'flip flop' occurred AFTER all of the information about the 'war' in Iraq was in the open (or at least as much of the truth as we will ever see), yet Romney's 'change of heart(s)' make as much sense as trickle down economics and no one is screamiing about THAT.

  8. Well, if we're not supposed to make fun of the Romneys' Ski-doo photo op, this campaign highlight should be fair game.

    Is that pretzeldental, or what?

  9. Oddly, republicans are more likely to take motorized toys out to the desert as much as they do to the water. Some people it's just balls out sports. And I admire that. I've seen bitchen dune buggies and rails ever since I was a youngster. But liberals are more likely to bring straw hats, headbands, backpacks, gallons of frozen water, a nice portable stereo, jazz tapes, an ample supply of weed. Both sides seem to be able to agree on beer and wine.

    The really zen people spend an entire day paddle-boarding as far as nine miles. Some nuts like to run or swim vast distances. Windsurfing is a true test of sportsmanship. I myself would rather be hiked out on a small sloop or catboat, maybe by myself or with a female first mate. Even a bro. Unless you enjoy capsizing, a nice little trainer like say the Flying Junior can be a lot more fun than a Hobie Cat. UCSD sailing used to have two FJs at the Santa Clara Point facility. My understanding was that they were originally designed as training boats for the Flying Dutchman which qualified in the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome.

    Shrub always wanted to come off as a man's man. Maybe that means something a little deeper when you are a Yale frat boy. I dunno. But supposedly he couldn't even shift gears on his mountain bike. (Highly wussed-out.) I tried to googol it and only found this cheerful picture.

    1. Nice link FJ. Makes this dude wanna power lift. And I don' t mean plates!

  10. You folks might lie these photo/captions

  11. Ah, the danger of generalizations. I don't have access to any deserts here, but I love the wilderness to an extreme. You'll more likely find Liberal me with a crossbow or vintage rifle though -- looking like Davie Crockett - or in a canoe and without ice or alcohol or battery powered entertainment toys. Gets in the way of the Zen thing, ya see. Republicans do like to tear up nature with their mud bogging toys and raise havoc with their smelly jet skis. But hell, everybody here has a boat or bike or ATV - it's Florida.

    I own a canoe, a kayak a Zodiac and a cabin cruiser, but paddle boards? eeeewww - do they allow people with any knowledge of the rules of the road to use those things? Worse than flotsam because floating junk doesn't paddle out into 30 knot traffic lanes. Kinda like skate boarding on the interstate. Sharks love them though -- and the gators too, of course.

  12. Hey Cap,

    Although there are thousands of cabin cruisers, nice-sized sailboats and yachts both small and large moored at San Diego Harbor's many marinas, docks and slips, as well as other strategic waterways within the city's waters, oddly I never see very many within a thousand feet of the beach anywhere from Oceanside to Imperial Beach give or take a couple of hundred feet. A couple of years ago, I saw some cabin cruisers anchored off of La Jolla Shores within swimming distance of the beach. I could only assume some youngsters had been given the keys to their father's boats for a graduation celebration or something of the sort. I guess boats that are destined for Catalina, Mexico or points north mostly cruise away from our southwest facing coastline. Fishing and pleasure boats are usually visible near the horizon from a tall vantage point. Most of the localized activity seems to occur in the open ocean.

    Ocean paddle boarders stay fairly close to the shore, anywhere from just outside the surf to mostly on the horizon depending upon their expertise. Tourist outfits that rent kayaks to kooks are a problem for me. They've taken over my favorite womp spot with great regattas of bumblers and gremmies.

  13. I don't see any paddle boarders off shore here - or jet skis for that matter - only in and around crowded marinas and pockets in the St Lucie River and the intracoastal where they rent them to tourists who's only qualification is having had a six pack immediately prior to embarking.


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