Monday, September 17, 2012

Off to the see the Liz

The Wonderful Magical Apology tour Is waiting to take you away over at Fox News.

"I will not and I will never apologize for America. I don't apologize for America, because I believe in America."
-  Mitt Romney -

"You know, after he went over there and apologized to them, I can't vote for that guy"
-heard everywhere and every day- 

Associated Press Fact Check would beg to differ and the Washington Post agrees that this Wagnerian cycle of Obama's Apology Tour, like Ryan's 'under three hour' marathon time -- a lie.

With the November Elections close at hand, one might expect to be hearing some concrete plans about what the Republicans might actually do about the economy and since we are not hearing some concrete plans about what to do that differ from the deed that got us into this mess, we might rightly expect that, as with Nixon's infamous "secret plan to win the war" the plan consists of  clinging white knuckled to the same course that ran us off the cliff and swept the GOP out of power.  The plan is to keep the lies coming, keep them consistent enough, outrageous enough and nasty enough to satisfy the Josef Goebbels system requirements.  Hey, it works and it got Tricky Dick re-elected.

Yes, indeed -- we all know the debt is enormous and we're told all day and all night that it's all because of  Obama's  never specified 'Policies.'  You know, those policies that have more people on welfare than ever, according to the river of e-mail I get every morning and  which isn't any more true than that he eliminated the  Democratic 'work for welfare' program or tried to keep military voters out of the polls or that "he went over there and apologized to them."  Yes, yes, "the government keeps printing money."  They keep saying it, but then the bills need to be paid and there's no new money coming in thanks to the cuts.  But remember -- for the most part those bills were run up by the President Who Never Existed: George W. Bush who actually told us the bills would pay themselves - by magic. Now why is it you haven't heard Bush quoted or mentioned for quite some time now?  Haven't heard him speechifying for Mitt, now have you?  Bush who?

The most expensive war in American history, the GWB prescription drug plan, the biggest, most expensive agency we've ever had and the large cuts to revenue which for 30 years have been promised as the magic fertilizer from which prosperity grows, haven't grown anything but the noxious Kudzu of debt and never actually were supposed to, since as Co-President Dick Cheney smilingly said "Debt Doesn't Matter."  No, it's true, no new private sector jobs were created during the Bush frat party years, the government ballooned in size and expense and so did the debt and we didn't hear a God damned peep out of Chicken Little who's clucking himself half to death at the moment.  We heard a lot of Liberal bashing though, didn't we?  And the Liberals were right though, weren't they? 

But we're not hearing it, we're hearing about birth certificates, death panels, radical Socialism and magical, mystical apology tours to 'over there' where he apologized to them.  And of course the US has never done anything it needs to apologize for, being the magically mystically greatest country since God created the Earth 5773 years ago today. The Slave auctions to Wounded knee to My Lai, we've always been angels and heroes in our own hermetic consciousness.

You're not hearing that the facts make liars out of the Fox and its friends, that 90% marginal tax rates once presided over prosperity and full employment and diminishing debt, that slashing the top bracket funnels money into the market and real estate and hedge funds and inflated bubbles which bring on busts and recessions. You're not hearing that we're paying less taxes than ever and still after decades it hasn't showed a hint of paying off.

Hell, you're not hearing anything but lies or breathing any thing but the smoke of desperation.  That Colored boy - now he's gone and abandoned Czechoslovakia, that empty suit, Commie tyrant Muslim from Africa! whines Fox News.  That smell? It's the smoke and the stink of desperation. The collapse, the bailouts -- all that began under Bush and the current candidates loved it -- and Czechoslovakia went out of existence 10 years ago before you ever heard of Mr. Obama and his apology tour over there.

So keep believing, as Liz the Wiz Cheney tells us on Fox, how he went over there and apologized to them even though he didn't, because it's all you've got if you're a Romney supporter. It's all you've got. Keep joking about how he's not an American like fancy pants Willard because the smoke would be blown away if you had any memory and were willing to use it. The curtain of slander would be torn asunder and all you'd see is the few dozen wizards burning up millions and millions  trying to make themselves very, very much richer at the expense of your future.

" The president himself has got a terrible record on national security, and it’s clearly something that Gov. Romney ought rightly to be pushing” 

Continued the Liz, as the Fox folk danced down the yellow brick road away from the fact that Al Qaeda is in tatters and the 9/11 planners including Osama are dead and there have been no more attacks on our soil.  Yes, and I'm sure he will be pushing it while bashing the health care plan he wrote and extolling all those empty shibboleths like smaller government and all that religious claptrap about morals and birth control.  What the hell else can these people do when the facts, if facts be remembered, would cast them all into the pit?


  1. For the factually impaired lunatics on the far right, here is a breakdown of the Federal tone-deficit:

    An 81.2% Increase in National Debt under Bush:
    $5.871 Trillion in 2OO1
    $10.640 Trillion by 2OO8

    For the Bain-in-the-Butt candidate who touts his accounting experience (for whom 2 + 2 = whatever you want it to be), here is the real math:
    $4.769 trillion = an 81.2% Increase in National Debt.

    Compared with Bush, the National Debt increased 44% under Obama:
    $10.569 trillion as of Jan 31st 2OO9
    $15.223 trillion as of Jan 14th 2O12

    Now lets look at the current debt of $15.223 minus the $5.871 at the start of the Bush administration. The aggregate increase in National Debt since 2001 (meaning Bush debt + Obama debt) = $9.532 trillion.

    Now lets go back and look at Bush's contribution of $4.769 trillion. It represents nearly half of total National Debt ($4.769 Trillion / $9.532 Trillion = 50%) since 2001.

    Here, however, is the BIG BUT:

    With respect to the total debt accumulated under Obama, $3.56 Trillion or 76% (3.56/4.659) represents BUSH CARRY OVER COSTS, broken down as follows:
    $910 Billion = Interest on BUSH Debt 2009/2011
    $360 Billion = BUSH Iraq War Spending 2009/2011
    $319 Billion = BUSH TARP/Bailout Balance from 2008 (as of May 2010)
    $419 Billion = Bush Recession Caused Drop in taxes
    $190 Billion = Bush Medicare Drug Program 2009/2011
    $211 Billion = Bush Medicare Part-D 2009/2011
    $771 Billion = Bush Tax Cuts 2009/2011

    Now look at total National Debt from this perspective:
    $4.769 TRILLION accumulated during 8 years of the Bush administration
    $3.560 TRILLION in Bush Carry Over costs


    When you look at direct debt incurred during 8 years of the Bush administration ($4.769 trillion) plus indirect legacy costs carried into the Obama administration ($3.560 trillion), the corrected debt attributable to Bush is actually $8.329 Trillion.

    Now here is some simple arithmetic: $8.329 / $9.532 Trillion = 87.4%.

    In other words, 87.4% of the National Debt has been caused by Bush Programs (2001 to 2012). In contrast, real debt attributable to Obama is a mere 12.6% - despite stimulus spending.

    How the f$#k did the GOP get away with perpetrating this National Debt deception on the American public - plus the audacity to blame it all on the Obama administration!

    Obama prevented a double-dip recession but gets no credit for it. Meanwhile, Rmoney proposes a return to Bush policies on $teroids, which will consign the middle class to perpetual serfdom.

    Perhaps your intrepid Octopus should force every voter to write this on the blackboard 500 times until they get it.

  2. Verily shall they be cast into the lake of Gehannity. As for Octo's facts, they are quite affecting. As Oscar Wilde said, it's the mark of a civilized dinosaur to be deeply moved by statistics.

    Well, all the numbers may not matter because the Mittsterman's campaign is disintegrating as we type: a video clip was released of Mitt at a "private" fundraiser politely detailing his utter contempt for approximately half of the American citizens whose president he would be if he were to be elected. It's bound to be widely played, seen by tens of millions, and there's apparently more to come. His prez-prospects are one very expensive piece of toast: he has committed the unpardonable sin of telling us what he REALLY thinks about anyone who's worth less than seven to nine figures, and it isn't pretty.

  3. Dino:

    Numbers, numbers - y'all are forgetting that not only is he not wanovvus, he's BLACK! It's not about number truth, it's about faith, about belief, about belonging. Truth be told, having a few million doesn't mean much any more, but it sure would if everyone else were poor. Think how much fun it would be!

    It's class warfare more than Bolshevism ever was class warfare and it's Feudalism risen from the grave like a vampire.

    Stake the bastards.


    Numbers, numbers. Thus I blow them all away with the power of denial! I disembowel thy numbers with the sword of snark!

    Obama is a commie, Obama is a Commie, nyah, nyah, nyah nyaaaaaah-nyah.


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